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Everything posted by knobby

  1. Did you maybe miss the grub screw at 39 mins on this video ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=im7DV2O4Eh8
  2. Had a dabble on Wednesday but only clear for 20 mins, looks like too much fiddling around to me ! focused with L filter, then moved to R and (to be expected I guess) had to mess around with exposure as very dark 🙂 . I'll possibly try again one day when I have more time but looks doable. I'm going to stick with the 224 and try an ADC
  3. Not sure if you're after a PC or tablet app but https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rupiapps.cameraconnectcast Works really well on Android, I use it with my Nikon wirelessly, works on Canon too.
  4. Try RGB8, ser or Avi both fine. Set the gain to mid point to start and get the histogram just over 50% by balancing gain and speed. Try to get FPS as high as possible by using a small ROI
  5. On the plus side ... They're not getting any lower 👍
  6. I'd try re downloading and then 'run as administrator'
  7. Nice one, stripped my SAM recently as stuttering, nicely engineered aren't they. (No pics as I forgot)
  8. Excellent, the landing module is a bit blurry though 🙂
  9. Been watching this with interest as I have a C8 edge and have the same problems with living in built up area surrounded by neighbours hot roofs. Seeing is always naff, planet jumps around and wobbles during capture. Here's one I managed with the same scope on the 2nd so don't give up. From memory it was a 2 minute avi around 0.7 secs and 300 gain ( ZWO 224mc) and a 2 X barlow
  10. I have a fairly naff 2 avi of Saturn if you want to play ? let me know and I'll put on google drive if interested
  11. Cheers chaps, yes it can ROI down to 640 X 480 and lower I think.
  12. On the verge of trying my 1600mm pro + filter wheel on planetary, any opinions on how much of an improvement over my 224mc this would likely be (if any) My sky / surroundings are awful !
  13. Nice one, way better than my early attempts 👍
  14. Thanks Peter I can relate to that ... Had to have the AVX as high as possible to clear neighbours roofs ... It was a bit like putting a heavy bag in overhead luggage on a plane 😃
  15. Nice job and not overprocessed, well done.
  16. Managed a 30 minute spell last night between garage roof, neighbours roofs and trees. Very spur of the moment but egged on by finally being able to lift the C8 onto the AVX after damaging shoulder 18 months ago. Not fantastic but with the low elevation and heat haze from roofs pretty relieved to see it all still works 😃 Best 25% of 5000 frames .Stacked in Autostakkert, registax wavelets and sent to phone to tweak colour balance / noise in Photoshop express. C8 edge / Televue 2 x barlow / ZWO 224
  17. 🙂 sorry ! SAM = Star adventurer mini, about the size of a Rubiks cube, fitted in camera bag in the gap where a lens usually fitted.
  18. Looks interesting and very compact ... I thought my SAM was small !
  19. Well done Ed, admire your commitment ! It was the first time I've lifted my C8 up onto the AVX since damaging my shoulder so even though it saw just clouds at least it was a milestone on the recovery trail 👍
  20. GRS start approx 8 pm finish approx 11.40 pm Io start 9.40 pm ish Courtesy of Sky safari on Android
  21. Well done for sticking with it , nice captures, especially Saturn.
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