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Everything posted by knobby

  1. My Dad used to use mild fairy liquid to soften / loosen then carefully wipe while running under hot water, finish off with white vinegar. That was on camera lens though, but possibly similar ?
  2. I know you said no to stacking but as you have 2 now is it not worth having a crack ?
  3. Top stuff as usual Brian, you know you're doing well when the constructive criticism is minor 😄
  4. Old post I know ... do you know if the custom setting in EQ mod still needs to be used or is that old school ? Just bought the cable from @FLO top speedy service as usual 🙂 Edit ... Found info http://eq-mod.sourceforge.net/prerequisites.html
  5. Hi Adrian, as banjaxed said, FLO will sort you out ! Things to check ... normal complaints are backlash (wobble in gearing) - wifi unstable (take outside away from your or neighbours wifi) - power problems (the connector on the internal battery holder is loose / spins) Are you visual or imaging ? either way I'd update the firmware when you get it. Good luck with it from a fellow Essex boy.
  6. Early days in the journey for me Vlad, gradient removal is another thing to learn / get right 😄
  7. Thanks Mars, I'm beginning to realize that the processing of narrowband images is more like art than processing 😅 Had a go just using Ha as R and Oiii as G and B no blending.
  8. Absolutely agree but dabbled as I thought that using the same data for G and B would be very Bi coloured so tried mixing.
  9. Hi all, first attempt at Ha Oiii processing, have to admit I got in a real mess ! I used Ha as R Oiii as G and a mix of both as B. Any tips on making the synthetic 3rd colour ? I have Photoshop CS6 and a trial version of Pixinsight (so complicated) Thanks
  10. Hi Tracy, welcome to SGL, as said above, before diving in and spending it's a good idea to check what you want from the hobby ... Visual observing through the eyepiece, computer aided with camera or just taking photos ? But don't worry, we'll all help you spend your £500 😅
  11. Lovely image, same dilemma here ... I'm trying L Ha R Oiii B with the idea I can try R (synth G) B and Ha Oiii (maybe blend of Ha/ Oiii)
  12. If the Advanced gt mount is anything like the AVX that superseded it then It is very hard to make dec loose. I balance mine on a pencil and mark the dovetail before mounting it.
  13. One option is to borrow a synscan WiFi adaptor, then use it to update firmware.
  14. I think you have more to pull out, I'm rubbish at processing but got this in my lunch break at work (15 mins fiddling in PS6- curves / levels) probably overdone as getting noisier than your go and colour is probably different on everyones monitor.
  15. I have an AVX mount that I couldn't carry for a year or so due to a shoulder injury. The lovely Mrs Knobby bought me an AZ-Gti to put on my camera tripod and I've got so much use out of it I rarely touch the AVX now. The Az-Gti is a cracking bit of kit but buy from someone reputable like @FLO as quality control is a bit poor.
  16. Cheers all, I've got the Oiii ordered, probably why the weather has turned naff !
  17. Thanks Carole, looks like I'm just over the water from you so similar conditions, appreciate your input 👍 I think I'm going to get the Oiii and Sii, now just deciding between sticking with ZWO to match the Ha I already have or a set of Baader narrow band and selling the ZWO lot.
  18. Thanks Carole, sounds logical, which do you use for focusing ? I've been using the Lum as it lets more light in.
  19. Hi all, should have really researched before I bought the 5 position wheel 🙂 I ventured into mono a short while back (ZWO 1600mm / 5 pos wheel / LRGBHA) I've been so impressed with Ha at my LP garden (RED/WHITE ZONE) that I'm now thinking I should have got the 8 position wheel ! Whats the best shortcut to try ? take out the Green filter - put in an Oiii, therefore still allowing RGB with a synthetic green, try Ha - Oiii of some sort or go the whole hog and ditch the RGB and get Oiii and Sii ... leaving an empty slot ? The 8 position would be too much additional expense so that route is out of the question and probably too big / heavy for the Az-Gti anyway Opinions gratefully received
  20. Long shot but have you tried different usb port ? Also disconnect any other usb devices while you are aligning maybe.
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