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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Hi I know some Barlow`s can be unscrewed and then screwed into an eyepiece to change the power. What I want to know is my Tal barlow the very bottom comes off and will screw into my eyepieces but what would it be X1.5, x1 or anything in between thanks. Paul
  2. Hope you get some clear nights to enjoy hopefully next Autumn I will be able to join you all again. Paul
  3. Brilliant because the 2" one is hard to find when I picked my 200p a few years back before I sold it the cap had been left off and the mirror was really dirty with bird muck on it. I put a hole reinforcer on the donut then washed the mirror flocked the tube and put it back together I regret selling it to this day. Paul
  4. Have you got these adapters with the scope as you will need them to get focus with eyepieces.
  5. Clouds and rain here all week and the forecast is the same for the week coming. May get Friday but that will probably change before then
  6. I suspect we don't have 4 seasons now we have a spring which includes a few warm days (this year was a irregularitiy) and then we get Autumn rain and moisture all the way through. I remember my youth getting snow usually around January and February but really frosty nights from November through, not any more just seems to be mild all the way through.
  7. Brilliant Doug I went bed at 12.30 after the fire brigade had put a van that was on fire at the back of my house still there at 1.30am I suspect in case it started again. got up at 6.15am sky was clear I could see Mars, Capella, Castor and Pollux that was it apart from the Moon in the South East getting light all the time.
  8. I got a 10" celestron starsense a few weeks ago and not had chance take it out, the forecast for the next 10 days is rubbish as per.
  9. I just picked that at random as I had not come across it before I will check next time.
  10. A warm welcome to SGL
  11. These turned up nice books to add to my collection.
  12. I have learned the sky over 40 yrs but the one thing I cannot do is star hop I am hopeless, I did do it when I had my 150p on a EQ3-2 but the time I spent searching for objects cut my viewing down by three quarters. Once I got the EQ5 goto I started to enjoy this hobby again finding and splitting double and multiple stars has been enthralling, now with the Dob I can do the same with the faint fuzzies and I am looking forward to doing just that.
  13. I concur only had limited chances with it but found the objects quickly and I could spend time viewing.
  14. Excellent drawing I've not had a chance to look at Mars with good skies the other night it was watery could not see the detail that you have.
  15. I have one of those I attach it to my clip board to read my lists make notes and sketch they are brilliant plus its rechargeable.
  16. Nice one Doug I am still waiting to use the 10" in anger but the sky gods are not playing fair as usual even got up at 3am this morning as it said it would be clear and I have full cloud.
  17. Brilliant not having the dob back though 😀 just had it out looked at Mars then Jupiter I was just playing with different eyepieces and Barlows when the seeing went funny looked up full cloud. That was 45 mins ago just checked now clear again debating whether to get out again.
  18. I have only one 2" a 28mm LET otherwise they are all 1.25mm I have self centering adapters in The Tal and the 10" the Celestron 4" only has a 1.25mm Diagonal so wont take 2" anyway.
  19. I have a second hand EQ5 the bolt went under the the altitude tab luckily a friend on here took it and re-engineered it for me now it's butter smooth. All thanks to Mapstar aka Damian cannot thank him enough.
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