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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Got these for the 10" dob easier to move around.
  2. I use the same in my Tal and the Meade when I had it very very little CA present.
  3. A warm welcome to SGL. Those pictures are brilliant I especially like the last one.
  4. http://web.archive.org/web/20170419050003/http://astronomy.eaglecreekobservatory.org/doubles/ Great resource for double stars. https://freestarcharts.com/ngc-ic https://in-the-sky.org/data/catalogue.php?cat=NGC NGC and IC charts Is this the type of thing you want Paul
  5. I'm very happy with what I have but if I won the lottery that would all change😁
  6. 3 for me 2 4" refractors 1 is a loanee and my 10" Dob that will do me. Unless I win the lottery 😁
  7. Nice one Doug I took the dob out but didn't have much luck because of the moon.
  8. I am only planning going out later 10.30 ish so hopefully the moon will be out the way.
  9. According to my apps tonight the 5th is going to be clear.
  10. I'm lousy at star hopping I used to have a RACI on my 200p I sold and it was useful but I had it on a EQ5 GOTO. I do not like the red dot on this 10" dob I am going to get a riser for a Telrad I have and position that so I can see through it without doing any contortions.
  11. Brilliant Stu another astronomer in the making I saw a shooting star last night about 9.30 streaking towards the moon.
  12. Brilliant I am terrible at star hoping that is why I got the starsense 😃
  13. Well first light with the 10" and I am disappointed, got the ring nebula, star clusters in Auriga and M45 nothing else because of the moon I think it did say bright moon when the app came on App kept saying cannot find its position point to a clear patch of sky. Packed up came in been out half hour at most I'm just hoping it was the moon and not light pollution. Even though done my best to align it during the day had to do it again using Jupiter still objects where in bottom left and no way of adjusting the app.
  14. Well got this Concentre which will make collimating the 10" when I flock it much easier. Thanks to Mark at Beaufort for it.
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