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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Those are some great pictures I don't think I have ever looked at this object I must do so as your pictures show it is a wonderfully colourful object.
  2. Some great objects there I wish I could align with planets with synscan make things much easier.
  3. Brilliant Mike I've had three pristine nights here and not been able to enjoy them had both toe nails removed been bandaged up so couldn't wear shoes or boots.
  4. Same here I was on Jupiter trying different combinations could clearly see 4 bands of colour even a hint of swirling when I turned to Mars it was just a orange globe I could not get any detail no matter what combination I used.
  5. I have the 1.25" herchel wedge and I have noticed I have more focuser length than just my diagonal. I had to buy a special 2"-1.25" adapter with a 1mm collar so I can focus with a 4mm eyepiece, with the wedge I have 10mm to play with so I can easily get the 4mm focused. Paul
  6. I want the 3-8mm zoom have to wait for my birthday my Christmas money is spoken for I need a Telrad riser and a lacerta 10:1 upgrade.
  7. Plenty of time get some great views in yet just keep trying.
  8. A warm welcome to SGL, that is the exact set up I had 13 yrs ago for my first scope. I had loads of great nights with that seeing some wonderful objects.
  9. I would not no where to start, maybe buy the box that`s it.😀
  10. Well mixed results tonight despite aligning on deneb with a 6mm eyepiece x200 the app got everything wrong went to M42 nowhere near tried using the red dot finder its useless especially wearing glasses. I'm going to have to get a Telrad riser. Got to see Mars and Jupiter by finding them myself. I got Mars in the scope and tried alignment this is what I got. It must of been the moon that's all I can think of
  11. Well mixed results tonight despite aligning on deneb with a 6mm eyepiece x200 the app got everything wrong went to M42 nowhere near tried using the red dot finder its useless especially wearing glasses. I'm going to have to get a Telrad riser. Got to see Mars and Jupiter by finding them myself. I got Mars in the scope and tried alignment this is what I got. It must of been the moon that's all I can think of.
  12. Brilliant tonight is looking favourable so I will be getting out I want to see M42 if I could stay up late I want to see if I can get the Leo trio I've never seen them from home.
  13. You can also get a lacerta 10:1 upgrade https://www.365astronomy.com/lacerta-dual-speed-1-10-microfocus-upgrade-kit-for-skywatcher-crayford-focusers?path=119_416
  14. I have been to one booked for another but was flooded out got my money back I was really looking forward to another I believe at the beginning they where just looking for a suitable site obviously that's not happening now which is a real shame.
  15. Bright nebulas M57 and M27 for starters with a UHC or Oiii look really good. My 4" is not as premium as yours but I have had some excellent views through them.
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