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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Set up early but only went out a 7pm Leo was over to my left. 54 Leonis (SAO 0815 83) Mags of 4.5 and 6.3 with a separation of 6.3" yellow and blue stars. γ Leonis (SAO 0812 98) Mags of 2.4 and 3.6 with a separation of 4.5" yellow and orange stars. τ Leonis and 83 (SAO 1188 64) mags of 5.1 and 7.5 with a separation of 88.9" for τ Leonis and mags of 6.6 and 7.5 with a separation of 28.6" Lemon/white and yellow/white with grey companions. 88 Leonis (SAO 0996 48) Mags of 6.3 and 9.1 with a separation of 15.4" yellow and lilac stars. 90 Leonis (SAO 0996 73) AB Mags of 6.3 and 7.3 with a separation of 3.6" . AC Mags of 6.3 and 9.8 with a separation of 67.0" quite a tricky triple here Yellow pair with tiny grey companion all in a line. ι Leonis (SAO 0995 87) Mags of 4.1 and 6.7 with a separation of 1.7" yellow and blue/white stars 6 Leonis (SAO 0990 32) Mags of 5.2 and 9.3 with a separation of 37.4" Orange and green stars. Cancer M44 This look brilliant in my 2" 28mm let. M67 Very sparse in the Tal with a bit more mag seemed better. As pointed out to me by Nick this is one of the oldest M clusters. Tegmine (SAO 0976 45) I could not split this treble close probably need darker skies as I have split it the 5" I had. Monoceros NGC 2301 (Hagrids dragon) looked brilliant. NGC 2264 (Christmas tree) easily made out the shape on its side. β Mon (SAO 1333 16) cracking triple easily split with my 10mm M50 Lovely cluster of yellow and blue stars. Jupiter all four moons and two bands visible Mars no distinguishing features this time. Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) Just a grey fuzz ball no tail. My Plan was to put my set up away then get the 10" out and go for the Leo trio and some other galaxies but when I was bending down to unplug the power pack I lost my balance and cracked my head on the tripods leg locking screw. Stood up feeling sick and dizzy with a big lump on my head, so that put paid to that not a bad session up to then as well. Paul
  2. Brilliant Doug I went for Leo and Monoceros I will check if I have those doubles.
  3. Just had it in the TAL same as you just a fuzzy.
  4. If I am up to it I am going to get here only 2.5hr drive love to meet up with a few people.
  5. https://web.archive.org/web/20200223041214/http://www.schlatter.org:80/Dad/Astronomy/collimate.htm Use this I did when I had a 8" and I had to strip it down to flock it, it makes it easier blocking the primary mirror reflection to get the Secondary in the right place then you can tweak the collimation screws to get the mirror clips in.
  6. Is this app on android if so can you send a link please as I have searched but got this.
  7. I have the 10mm and that is the same crisp and clear I would love to pick up more of them.
  8. Excellent report Dave and a cracking set up I saw M1 for only the second time in my 10" last time was in my 8" 6/7 years ago.
  9. I have said its for security and I would be complaining if I was burgled.
  10. New LED light at the back of my house where I view from.
  11. Finally turned up thanks to "Shropshire lad"
  12. Well I was due a Altair 2" to 1.25" self centering adapter but it has been sent to another Paul Lewis in Shropshire, good job we have honest people on here as he has contacted me the adapter is getting picked up tomorrow and delivered back to me hopefully Thursday.
  13. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
  14. Brilliant I use foldable stools so easier to transport. But that is ideal for home documenting double stars at the eyepiece.
  15. Brilliant Nick and you reminded me of a couple of objects (Hagrids and 37) supposed to be clear here Wednesday I will give them a go.
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