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Space Hopper

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Everything posted by Space Hopper

  1. This is also a feature on the US made DM-6. I've always preferred having my finder on the mounts altitude axis , rather than on the telescope. I don't think there's much room for such an arrangement on the AZ100 though ?
  2. Not sure Meade scopes are readily available any more....?
  3. Its a good job you're not on the Astro Physics waiting list........๐Ÿคจ
  4. Check out Fujinon. Very nice optics and build quality. I have an older pair of 7x50 which are excellent.
  5. Didn't have time to set up a scope this morning before work, so it was a quick session with my 15x50 binocs with homemade Baader Solar film filter. But even through the binocs they were a spectacular sight
  6. Just an update on this (I have one on order) Its further delayed according to the APM website, and is now expected late April 2022 so about 6 - 8 months later than originally planned and counting.
  7. Mighty impressive beast. It gives a good comparison of size next to the OO 10" 4.8 and i have one of those myself which i find a bit of a handful. I had the 12" F4 scope 3 years ago and enjoyed the aperture, but i feel like 'i've been there, done that' now. At nearly 55 and in not the best shape and health i'm much happier with refractors these days. Enjoy the views through the 14 ! ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. I agree, and if you are indeed able to use those powers, you know its a decent night seeing wise.
  9. We had a holiday there in 2015. You are right about the wind. In fact its the windiest place i've ever been to. A bit like the Orkneys. But 20ยบC warmer......๐Ÿ˜€
  10. Well, same sort of over the head design, but thats all. The brightness level on the HL4 is just right, and the lights can be tilted forward if required which is a very useful feature. The red light is just a single LED, and is on a separate switch from the whites. Trust me, you won't find a better head torch for astro. My recommendation anyway.
  11. Send it back to Amazon and buy one of these and don't look back. As worn by Trevor Jones @ astrobackyard (Make sure its the HL4, as theres a few other models that look the same) https://www.torchdirect.co.uk/coast-led-head-torch/coast-hl4-led-head-torch.html
  12. Interesting, but the Tak TSA120 is a triplet and all the others are doublets. A well designed and figured triplet will always out perform a comparable doublet ?
  13. Why do they need lights on all night ?? What are they growing.....cannabis ?? Whatever it is its appalling.
  14. Have you looked at one of those 'Concenter' things ? They were recommended on here just recently. https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p5506_TS-Optics-Concenter-2--Collimation-Eyepiece-for-Newtonian-Telescopes.html
  15. +1 I had exactly the same scope at around the same time or possibly 1980 which was a Christmas present when i was 12 or 13. I was actually more into binoculars then and went through several pairs, all of indifferent quality. I wouldn't say the 'Astral' got me into astronomy though : i was far more interested in cars and girls ๐Ÿ˜€ It wasn't until i was approaching 30 though that the astronomy bug bit and i purchased my first decent reflector and started collecting Vixen eyepieces. Then everything changed when i purchased my first pair of Canon image stabilised binocs and got into bino-viewing. And the last 25 years have flown by since.....
  16. Totally agree. I bet i've only had 10 sessions this year, and nothing since October at all. And if it is clear for a bit, sods law, i'm often at work (i work alternate AMs / PMs) With that in mind, i'm going to drop down to 2 scopes. I can't justify having 2 expensive refractors that hardly get used, so will be selling my 105/650 in the new year. Don't get me wrong, i still love the hobby, and am as enthusiastic as ever. But i can't justify the amount of money i have tied up in it. My TEC is my primary scope, the scope i always reach for first, and i'm proud to own it. Its my retirement scope (for when i retire ! ) and i plan on keeping it long term. My 10" OO is a recent second hand purchase, and its hardly been out at all, and not even made it out to my local dark site yet. Mount wise : i may end up selling my American Discmounts and look at an AZ100 now the motorization of it is happening soon. But not 100% sure yet. I'm also looking at an EQ mount to do some imaging with the TEC long term. But with our weather and my light pollution, i need to be realistic and won't be breaking the bank. I'm also planning on attending a few lectures at my local astro society, maybe even rejoining them, and also attending some observing meets with our astro group (East Mids stargazers) And hopefully visit a trade show or two next year !! At the end of the day, it would just be nice to get out and do some astronomy in the first place. These last few weeks here have just been abysmal.
  17. I think we should cut them a bit of slack. The OPs photo at the start of the thread shows the mount in use and i'm sure its been tested thoroughly since prototype and pre production. If problems are forthcoming been now and release (April 2022?) it will be delayed. I'm glad to see more of these HD mounts coming out. It means prices will fall and thats a good thing for us consumers.
  18. The weather looks a bit dicey there, like theres a storm brewing.....??
  19. Looking forward to it. And good luck ๐Ÿ™‚ For me anything Russian built has a certain fascination to it.
  20. That seems a lot ?? Mine is closer to 7kg if i remember correctly.
  21. It looks a beauty. Fascinating stuff. I bet it was interesting to watch it being done.
  22. Someone else with Bortle 10 billion skies....??!! I thought i was unique here in Derby.....๐Ÿ˜ƒ A 30s DSLR exposure of my back garden here in complete darkness literally turns night into day. Good to hear your optic is back to its best : any chance of any pictures of the scope ?
  23. I have the same optic, although a much newer one (March 2019 No. 509) My Russian interferometry report, done at Lytkarino i assume, does indeed state the test was conducted at 532 nm. I know the resulting Strehl ratio on my certificate : but i'd be fascinated to have it tested by RVO and compare the test reports side by side. Maybe next year i'll pay them a visit (they are only 30 miles away) and get them to test it. I could also get my TEC optic tested as well there is no certification with it. Of course, all these figures are just figures. So many other things come into play as well. As Dylan O'Donnell would say..........."all of this is meaningless.......and we're all going to die" ! ๐Ÿ˜‰
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