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Everything posted by dweller25

  1. Here you go ...... https://vetusware.com/download/SkyGlobe 3.6/?id=8767 V3.52 here https://archive.org/details/SkyGlobe_1020
  2. @GlenM You should start up again 😁
  3. I think I read somewhere that the optimum magnification of a telescope is it’s diameter in mm x 1.1, above that no more detail can be seen. Having said that I have used my 128mm scope at x280 on Mars when it was high 😁
  4. A bigger mirror has more surface area than a smaller one so will collect more light ( or water ) So at the same magnification the image in the bigger mirror will appear brighter
  5. Skyglobe v3.6 can still be downloaded if that helps
  6. She has a good 5” setup already πŸ‘ Moving forwards as she wants to observe nebula I would suggest moving to a simple Dobsonian type mount and putting the funds into a bigger mirror - a useful step up in aperture would be 8” https://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/skywatcher-skyliner-200p-dobsonian.html The 10” version would be even better.......but they are quite heavy. As you are in the US the Orion brand is an equivalent.
  7. Take a look at this ...... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/az-goto/skywatcher-explorer-130p-synscan-az-goto.html It’s cheaper than the Celestron you mentioned. The Skywatcher P150i would need a smartphone or tablet for goto. Both are quite capable.
  8. Possibly this ??? https://www.firstlightoptics.com/alt-azimuth/sky-watcher-az-gti-wifi-alt-az-mount-tripod.html
  9. Just get a 911 Turbo S and stop dreaming about telescopes πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  10. Strap is a very good idea - I’m guessing you have a big metal screw in the ground ?
  11. Here are mine...... 1985 - Astro Systems (Bedford) 8.5" F/5 Newtonian - A brilliant first scope - should have kept it - sold 1986 - Beacon Hill 6" F/8 Newtonian - Hinds optics, very nice but kids came along so no time - sold 2007 - Celestron 102SLT refractor - not really good at anything - sold 2008 - Celestron C9.25 SCT - very disappointing - sold 2008 - TAL 125R - very nice but too much CA - regretfully sold 2008 - Skywatcher 127 Maksutov - a bit too small - sold 2008 - Skywatcher 8" F/6 Dobsonian - superb optics - should never have sold it - sold 2009 - Skywatcher 120ED refractor - pinched optics - returned 2009 - Takahashi TSA102 refractor - 4" perfection - KEEPER 2009 - Helios 6" F/8 refractor - too much CA - sold 2009 - Takahashi FS128 refractor - superb scope - KEEPER 2010 - Celestron C102ED refractor - excellent lightweight travel scope - should have kept it - sold 2010 - Skywatcher 180 Pro Maksutov - would not cool down - sold 2010 - Skywatcher 8" F/6 Dobsonian - disappointing optics - sold 2010 - Skywatcher 10" F/5 Dobsonian - superb optics but this scope did my back in, otherwise a keeper - sold 2012 - Takahashi Mewlon 210 - this brand new scope from Tak Europe was actually three years old! and had bad mirror shift - returned 2012 - Celestron C8 SCT - Nice optics but the OO 8" was better - sold 2012 - Orion Optics 8" F/6 Dobsonian 1/10th wave - superb optics - Sadly sold as it bothered my back. 2013 - Intes Micro 715 Maksutov - Superb optics - views match the FS128 - relatively light/compact - KEEPER 2014 - Orion Optics OMC200 F/20 Maksutov - Carbon fibre beauty - would not cool down - sold 2014 - Lunt 60 H-Alpha solar scope - always at work when the Sun came out! - sold 2014 - Skymax 127 Maksutov - still a bit too small! - sold 2017 - Tal 100RS - objective tilted, focuser tilted, sold with full disclosure. 2018 - Celestron C6 - VERY light and when wrapped in reflectix is truly grab and go. 2019 - TS 152mm Classical Cassegrain - challenging to collimate but once done it is very sharp and does not dew up πŸ™‚
  12. It’s fairly easy to put an SSD drive in a laptop if that’s an option.
  13. Excellent choice for a scope, very capable and a good all rounder πŸ‘ At a later date the telescope tube can be put on a motorised mount for automatic tracking if required. For best results you need to put the scope outside to allow the mirror to reach ambient temperature before you use it. You will also need to collimate the scope which involves checking and adjustIng the mirrors occasionally to make sure they are in alignment to give the very best views. There are loads of guides online to show you how to do this and it’s easier than it sounds. The Planets will look great in this scope in the Autumn/Winter πŸ˜€
  14. Thought you would have been out with the scope Wednesday night @mikeDnight looking at Venus and the very high Moon. Or did the wife find out and kill you ? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  15. Mewlon next then ?? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  16. Thanks Mike, Thats how I do it - my scales are also wrong πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  17. That’s excellent πŸ‘
  18. Congratulations Mike on the new addition to the family πŸ™‚ I am still on the mend but look forward to getting our Scopes together on the planets. Out of interest how much does the DZ weigh with clamshell, finder, 71L extension tube and diagonal ? Clear tonight too πŸ‘
  19. @Fozzie Was it at 9:25pm if so I saw it too - it burned red to green ?
  20. Yes it is possible to collimate your scope πŸ™‚ @Captain Magenta posted this correct procedure earlier and it worked perfectly on my 6” CC...... I took 3 steps: 1. lined up the focuser axis to the primary axis, a la kitchen table collimation, 2. pointed the primary directly at the centre of the secondary (I also used a Glatter) 3. adjusted the secondary to "symmetricize" the reflection of the laser onto the primary, in my case getting the reflected dot back onto the laser source
  21. It may be worth flocking the primary baffle if you see a halo when observing bright objects otherwise do a jigsaw πŸ˜‚
  22. I changed from the clamshell to rings so I could add a carry handle - feels much safer when moving the scope onto the mount.
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