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Everything posted by dweller25

  1. Hello and welcome to SGL Mars currently rises in the south east at around 1:30am but is best viewed at around 3:30am when it had risen a little higher in the sky. Mars is small and still very distant from us - closest approach is around 4 months away so you will not see much detail and as it is very low the atmosphere will blur the disk. Always try to keep your magnification as low as possible - x120 in your scope would be good which is a 6mm eyepiece.
  2. Your mirror was not fully cooled which can affect how the out of focus doughnut looks. Suggest you insulate your scope and try again.
  3. @johninderby Thanks for the heads up. Handle from WDS Components now fitted, it’s well made and makes a big difference to the handling of the scope......
  4. The Tak FC125DZ fluorite doublet will sell like hot cakes 😈😈 If they ever make it πŸ˜‚
  5. Hello @Shaun Sr If you want to study Neptune then you need good quality optics, good thermal management and plenty of aperture as Neptune is very small due to it’s distance from us. I would suggest a Dobsonian in the 10 - 12” region with a cooling fan at the rear. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/skywatcher-skyliner-300p-flextube-dobsonian.html Very capable and much cheaper than an SCT.
  6. @DRT @Stu @John Old thread, but what was the outcome ? πŸ™‚
  7. I have always wanted a 6” APO but when I bought my FS128 I changed my mind as I realised how much weight I would have to move in and out for an observing session. The FS128 sits well on a Vixen GPDX and Berlebach UNI28 tripod, but it is a relatively light doublet with a FL of 1080mm, anything larger and longer would not work well on that mount setup. As John says, a good 10” Newt will cost much less than a 6” APO and will show more detail on the planets when seeing allows. It’s a shame my bad back does not like Newts πŸ˜•
  8. PS Happy Birthday πŸŽ‚πŸ₯‚πŸ₯³
  9. Patience grasshopper, patience 😊
  10. Did you speak to Luke ? πŸ™‚
  11. The full dob is the better option but it is not quite as portable as the collapsable version.
  12. In that case I would suggest looking at the SW 150 collapsable Dob as already mentioned... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/sky-watcher-heritage-150p-flextube-dobsonian-telescope.html
  13. Hello @Astro Alice and dad and welcome to SGL. Patience is a major part of astronomy so hang on and buy the 150mm Dobsonian - which is a great scope. If it’s cloudy πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ you could try downloading β€œStellarium” which is free and is very good sky simulation software. Jupiter and Saturn will be visible soon, followed by Mars - so plenty to see πŸ‘ Clear skies......
  14. It’s a great looking mount but boring triangles may function better
  15. As already mentioned, a 6” SCT with GOTO meets most of your requirements - apart from the price....... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/se-series/celestron-nexstar-6se.html
  16. Hello @johninderby I like the bridge handle on your black Mak - can you please let me know where you got it from ? ** found it - WDS components **
  17. You do right to send the first scope back - it’s stands out as very different to normal.
  18. Well Andrew ...... 🀣🀣 I am experimenting with it on the front of a 6” Classical Cassegrain, purely to cool the primary quickly before viewing. In late February it took a 35 minute cool down time using the fan to get a star plus diffraction ring showing steady at x464.
  19. I had a Mewlon 210 and a carbon fibre OMC200 Deluxe with 1/10th wave optics, did not keep either as they were rather slow to cool down. Now have an Intes Micro 715 Mak with built in cooling fan that pulls air from the front of the OTA across the primary getting rid of the boundary layer - works very well and gives super sharp views.
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