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One small step for, er me really


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Hi everyone from a newbie in Norfolk. A couple of weeks ago, I bought myself a Skymax 127 Goto. I had done some homework and it looked like a decent piece of kit for what I, (and my wife) wanted to pay, but would also do the job I wanted a scope to do. Anyway, what with other things and lots of cloud, I finally got out there last night and got to grips with the thing. Dayime alignment between scope and finder scope, check. 2 star alignment, check. First stop, the Moon. Wow. How can a lump of grey rock look so amazing? Inspired by this, I decided to look for an M number so went for Pleiades. I felt like a kid looking up at the tree lights at Christmas. I was on a roll now so decided to look at the Nebula in Orion. Again, I wasn't disappointed. A grey mist of serenity that belies the reality. Finally, I just couldn't wait any longer. I sent the scope off to point at Saturn. During all those cloudy nights, I had read many posts on here about how jaw dropping it can be when you first focus in on it. I was no exception. I just couldn't stop looking at it. I am assuming the 'star' just across from, and above it was a moon. I'm assuming Titan but those with more experience may tell me otherwise. I decided nothing would eclipse that (sorry about the pun) for my first night so packed up, came in, captured everthing in an observation log I have decided I need to maintain and went to bed happy. Sorry I've rambled but I've found myself a hobby that I am already hooked on. If you have got this far, thanks for reading.

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Welcome to the forum, and by the sounds of if you had a wonderful night. Yes, seeing things for the first time is always one of the memories that will stay with you for life... Hopefully tonight will also be clear and you'll have a chance at repeating your experience and maybe finding other objects.

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Hi Jules and welcome to SGL :D

Sounds like you had a smashing session - just wait till you see Saturn - absolutely jaw dropping first time (and every time thereafter). Download Stellarium as suggested above - it'll help you find stuff much easier :rolleyes:

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Thanks for the welcome everyone. Stellarium is already on the laptop. Excellent bit of software. I also have Starwalk on my Ipod which is handy to pop in my pocket. No doubt, once I get familiar with the sky and where everything is, I will be asking for info on what extras I need to add to my kit. Need to walk before I run though...but it is tempting to find out!

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