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A question for Steve at FLO regarding pricing

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“I can also assure you that pricing will be sensible and will reflect the real cost of importing from the US.”

So said Steve, from First Light Optics, on Dec 4th, when letting us all know he now sold Moonlite focusers.

I’m new to this Group and, to be honest have, not got the time to dig around the site looking for the answer to my question. So, if this has already come up then accept my apologies and just direct me to the relevant postings.

Steve, I note you currently sell the Moonlite Cs2-s for £265, whereas, the price from the US is listed at $345 (£176). Does this price differential really constitute “sensible pricing”?? Considering the cost of shipping this unit from the US is $35 and another $86 is taken by UK Customs, this is still about £30 cheaper than buying from you. I would think any “sensible” person would still be shopping from the US. Anyway, that as it may be, are you prices (for US gear) likely to be lowered now we have such a strong pound??



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I applied a couple of accounting tests to the numbers, and came to the conclusion that Steve's price is reasonable. He is buying at wholesale, plus taxes and duty and shipping, and applying a standard retail markup to his gross wholesale price. For the money, he is paying the bank interest while he keeps unsold goods in inventory, keeping the lights on, and assuming the risk of returned goods to save his UK customers the hassle of sending stuff back to the US. He also assumes the risk of having to sell the thing off when the new models come out. He is also a local voice that you can go to for advice, rather than talking to an order desk clerk in Wyoming. I'm not saying this to slap you down, but Steve has to run his business at a profit, or he won't be running it at all.

You have to weigh the value of Steve's quality services against the saving by buying from overseas.

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I dont know about anybody else but I dont feel an open question posted here is very fair to Steve and First Light Optics. I have dealt with Steve before and (as I am sure a large number of members would confirm) have found him very honest and fair. I think any pricing reflects the cost of selling the item in the UK and would suggest that if you have found the same item cheaper from the USA that you are most welcome to purchase from there. That is one of the advantages of the internet.

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Don't forget that established members of SGL receive a 10% discount from Steve which makes the price CHEAPER here than from the US.

I have always received fantastic service from Steve and continue to do so. Personally I think your question a little hostile, but thats for the moderators to decide.

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I dont know about anybody else but I dont feel an open question posted here is very fair to Steve and First Light Optics. I have dealt with Steve before and (as I am sure a large number of members would confirm) have found him very honest and fair. I think any pricing reflects the cost of selling the item in the UK and would suggest that if you have found the same item cheaper from the USA that you are most welcome to purchase from there. That is one of the advantages of the internet.

Hear Hear.

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Hi Stan,

FLO is a new company (launched Sept last year) and has only recently become a Moonlite dealer. Only when the stock begins to arrive (around mid-Feb) will I know for sure the real cost of importing from the states. Until then, FLO's Moonlite prices are based on those of other UK Moonlite dealers and are competitive.

Once I have all the figures (product cost, duty, Tax, Shipping, $-£ conversion rate, anything unforeseen) I might find I can offer Moonlite at a reduced price. If I do, it will be a decision based on real-world practicalities and not a reaction to criticism.

Hope that helps.

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Don't forget that established members of SGL receive a 10% discount from Steve which makes the price CHEAPER here than from the US.

I have always received fantastic service from Steve and continue to do so. Personally I think your question a little hostile, but thats for the moderators to decide.

Well, Gordon, I didn't think the question was hostile or unfair, which is why I tried to not give a hostile answer. If you offer something for sale, questions about the price are fair game. :rolleyes:

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Don't forget that established members of SGL receive a 10% discount from Steve which makes the price CHEAPER here than from the US.

I have always received fantastic service from Steve and continue to do so. Personally I think your question a little hostile, but thats for the moderators to decide.

well said!

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LX mate, as has been said, Steve's doing this to make a living to feed his family, so he has to make some reasonable profit on the transaction. You could buy the things and sell them cheaper in your spare time as a hobby but you wouldn't make a lot of money and you'd have to keep the day job.

Bottom line is if you can buy cheaper elsewhere, with after sales service, warranty etc., then do so. End of.

Steve was here before he set up FLO so it's not like he's sneaked anything by anybody, same with other dealers. It's not like you have to buy off Steve to be on here or anything.

Maybe the wording could have been better in the original post as it came across as rather abrasive when I read it.

Captain Chaos

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If I wanted an answer to such a question, I would have emailed, pm'd or telephoned Steve. All these routes are easy, quick and will get you an answer with minimum fuss. Why post on open forum?

As for the question being hostile/unfair.......... I certainly think it is a bit rude. A little unusual too for a third posting! I know that no-one needs reminding that Steve was an SGL member/moderator long before running FLO.

Furthermore, I don't think that it is an unreasonable margin? I am quite happy to pay for someone to do the importing, take the risk and I am quite happy to pay for customer service and post sale service too.


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Firstly let me say that questions, even unpopular ones are allowed to be asked on SGL as long as they are asked with the proper due respect to the person being asked.

Also it would be nice for the person asking the said questions to have a wee think about what they are about to ask, maybe even do a little homework on the subject fist.

Steve, I note you currently sell the Moonlite Cs2-s for £265, whereas, the price from the US is listed at $345 (£176). Does this price differential really constitute “sensible pricing”?? Considering the cost of shipping this unit from the US is $35 and another $86 is taken by UK Customs, this is still about £30 cheaper than buying from you.

This one is a no brainer IMHO.

When Steve or any other trader buys equipment from the USA to sell in the UK they buy at a certain price.

They then work out what they think is a fair and honest price for UK customers.

This is the no brainer bit so read carefully.

Just because currency changes make the pound stronger and buying equipment can be cheaper "NOW" doesn't mean the the kit that say Steve bought to stock FLO say in December should be sold at a loss today.

Like has also been said before that SGL members get a damned good discount from FLO. (thanks Steve)

I must say Stan i am still a little confused as to the reasoning behind your questions. :insects1:

I have one for you.

Do you expect Steve to work for nothing or do you think its ok to make a small profit seeing as he is the one taking all the risks financially? (speculating and all that)

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An intriguing post. I think we shouldn't be shunning Stan for his question. Maybe he was a little confrontive, but not hostile. He took Steve's words at face value, did a little research, and saw that there was a discrepancy, which he noted, and was up for discussion. I think Stan should search around for someone selling the item cheaper in the UK, not in clearance, before criticising Steve's prices. Personally, I find Steve's pricing very fair. I haven't found anyone selling the same product cheaper in the UK, and if I did, he would match it, in accordance with a more recent thread he made in "Sponsors Buy/Sell".

In addition, I believe Stan is 7 posts away from a 10% discount on all Steve's products, which is by no means to be snarled at.


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An intriguing post. He took Steve's words at face value, did a little research, and saw that there was a discrepancy

Sorry Andrew but there is NO discrepancy mate.

Steve has done exactly what he said he would and given the best price he can on all his products.

Also there was little or no research done before posting this thread.

If there was this thread would not exist.

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Okay Guys, A pretty blunt question was asked and Steve gave a straight forward response. I have not yet bought any item from FLO, but have e-mailed re an item and had a quick and honest reply. I will buy stuff from him in the future as his prices are very competitive. and I have found his posts on SGL helpful and honest.

It is quite simple really, anyone who doesn't feel FLO's mark up is reasonable is entirely free to buy elsewhere - but if you think his prices are good (and I do), then you will get good advice and good service from him.


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Here's my 2p's worth...

I have purchased astronomy equipment from steve for the past 4 years at the shop he used to work at and from FLO. I have also purchsed stuff from the States.

Steve has always given me excellent service, even changing a GOTO handset that wasn't purchased from him (Try that with a US dealer) He has steered me away from ebay scope tat (When I first started). He is a trusted and valued member of the forum, offering advice without predjudice or sometimes gain. He is running a new buisness and give value for money whilst offering a 10% discount to SGL members, when the profit margins are already tight.

He takes time and effort to get to know his customers and offers a personal service. You can contact him and he's always available to offer advice on any astro retail subject.

Customer service is always worth a bit extra.

All my astro kit sitting in my house has been purchased from him apart from 3 rubbish eyepieces that he told me not to buy off ebay.

If after all that you really want to go and save £30 on a scope (Less with the SGL discount) Then go and shop in the States.

Personally I have money in the bank and am still tight as a drum but will always buy my astro kit from FLO.

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Hi Stan,

Bet you know how jade goody feels like! I have read your post and above replies with interest and find i agree with most of what was said so don't have much to add appart from hoping that you continue to contribute to this lounge. I like to see open honest debate and after all if it wasn't about opinions this would be a very boring place.

All the best


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You have a choice LX200gps... You buy or you don't. Simple as that. FLO is not twisting your arm to purchase. If you do want to query about an item you should politely speak to the supplier directly instead of rudely doing it openly. Steve runs a business in a competative market. Considering this, his prices are excellent, AND he's still kind enough to give an extra 10% discount to SGL members. Have you compared any other of his products with the competition? I certainly have, and have been delighted with all my purchases from Steve. His customer service is absolutely fantastic. He's online most nights and freely gives his valued, honest opinions, not only about his own products, but also that from others. That's the sort of guy he is and why I'll still keep buying off him whether its a little cheaper elsewhere or not. Try buying an item off him yourself and find out, instead of demeaning him and his business with this worthless thread you've started.

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The thing that brasses us all off is differential pricing in the US compared with the UK. Often the US dealers aren't actually allowed by the terms of the agreement with the manufacturers to sell outside the US. So it is great when UK dealers take a chance by importing this stuff and selling on at a very reasonable, if not exactly matched price. Exciting times for FLO. Steve is putting together a fantastic and diverse range - pentax, stellavue, moonlight and more to come I suspect. Brilliant :thumbright:

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Just to add my pennyworth, after a number of years of being ripped off by organisations such as meade who basically force their UK suppliers to sell at the price Meade want, it made a refreshing change to Deal with an independant whose service I have found to be first class including taking the time to get answers to questions I have raised replied to me by phone.

I searched a number of vendors in the UK before I made my purchase from FLO, my reasons were pretty simple, of all those I spoke to, Steve was the only one who bothered to explain the principles of the scopes etc, and not what the price was prior to me even asking. Pricing will always be an issue anywhere, but I regard a quality service as much as price, and as Steve has shown me, he provides that little bit extra that in the end actually saved me a few quid.

Anyways I have seen Saturn in my new scope tonight so I am chuffed, frozen feet and Steve you were quite right, I actually saw a number of Saturns moons, something I have not seen before.

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Stan, I notice that you didn't compare Steves prices to those of other UK retailers. If your research only included US sources then it was unfair and I hope that you have lambasted other UK retailers in a similar fashion. I have done business with FLO and have found Steves prices,service, help, and DELIVERY TIMES to be second to none. I'm also astonished that you decided to post your comments in an open forum.

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