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Aurora over the Ring of Brodgar ~ Orkney

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Hi all,

Here are my humble offerings of the Aurora last night over the Ring of Brodgar, Orkney. Fantastic views as I was driving out and the shame is I think I missed the best of the display, but I wanted to get to a really dark location.

I got half a dozen reasonable shots considering I didn't have a tripod the camera would fit! :D Didn't really have a clue as to what I was doing :( as I'm a complete newbie! Obtaining focus was a steep learning curve :) and it was absolutely FREEZING blowing a gale!

So, here is my humble offerings. I was chuffed that I can see a few constelations in my image such as the Pleiades and Cassiopeia.

Thanks for looking





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Thanks guys,

You are so right Sarah. I just couldn't capture the beauty. I'm determined to get the hang of my camera so I can get the best shots I can, but right now when it all goes wrong I just bin the kit, lay back and enyoy the heavens.

Last night would have moved any one to tears it was truly beautiful and well worth getting cold.

Clear skies! :(


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A perfect location to capture the Aurora, I should have gone there at night instead of the usual tourist shots :) in the day. Lovely atmospheric photo, in spite of the usual Brodgar blowing a gale and freezing at this time of year! I have included a daytime shot to show others so they can see the wonderful location of the ring, much better than Stonehenge IMHO :(



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Fabulous shots....real atmosphere :(

those are slightly more than rocks....

Brodgar is a neolithic henge and stone circle dating back to around 2500BC. It is a UNESCO world heritage site...according to wikipedia


Made of rock :)

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