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Hi from Wallasey


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Hi I'm Steve and I'm a new stargazer, well if you don't count looking in wonderment at the night sky while walking the dog. I came across SGL while researching my first telescope. At present I'm torn between Nexstar 4se and Skywatcher 200p. Any help and advice will be greatly appreciated.

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Hello Steve and welcome to SGL!! The 200P is one of the best "all rounder" scopes available. It is available on the EQ5 mount - which is fine for visual observing - but if you have any aspirations towards astro-photography then the HEQ5 (or EQ6) would be more suitable. You don't need the full "goto" versions, the SYntrek version is good enough and is easily upgradeable should you want to go that way.

I suggest the bigger mounts because, as I said, they are better for photography as well as being somewhat "future proof" should your interests develop.

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Hi Steve and welcome to the forum.

Observational astronomy is not just about seeing the object, it's about looking at it. One the problems to me with some of the smaller scopes, is when part of the budget is being used on electronics to take you to an object, leaving you less to spend on a scope that will show you what you're pointing at. I would definitely recommend the 8" scope - you won't regret it

Clear skies


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Hi steve, respect to the advice you have received so far, here's an alternative view point just for a bit of balance...

The two scopes you have mentioned meet two different requirements, much as bigger diameter is best for most things, you have to consider weight and portability along with 'immediate enjoyment (and learning) factor'.

I went down the 4SE route because it's compact, very portable, durable and well built, you can turn up-plug in-align-start scoping in under five mins (once the scope temp has normalised, even better) its fully go-to, provides basic tracking functions (and a basic 'wedge' built-in) which gives me slightly less things to worry about while i learn more about the photography side of things.

AND if you shop around you can pick up a slightly used 4SE for less than 200notes.

However, one of each would be nice... :):(:confused:

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