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Noob from Brighton :-)


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Hi all :)

Had my scope for 8 years now and it turns out the instruction manual made no sense, which explains why the most I got out of it was a few seagulls and a quite nice look at the moon that kept moving out of alignment?

Since understanding the equatorial mount of my Bushnell 565 everything seems to make so much more sense and my enthusiasm is renewed.

I’ve since managed to get a surprise look at Jupiter’s moons – really didn’t expect to see them, but I’m sure that’s what they were as they were in a nice line about 40deg …. Does that sound right?

Now all I need to do is get the focussing sorted on the barrow and higher magnification lenses, big shaky fuzzy blobs at the moment and more detail from the floating things on the surface of my eyeball than what I’m looking at!

Not sure if my scope it up to the job, but would dearly love to see Saturn’s rings and the patterns in Jupiter, oh …. And the Andromeda Galaxy sounds fascinating! – I’m sure there’s somewhere on this forum that’ll be able to help when I’ve had a good look around.

Clear skies!!


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Hi James and welcome to the forum.

Half the battle of observing is having the scope sitting on a solid mount - nothing worse than waiting for everything to settle down only to discover the object has now moved out of the eyepiece! Don't get me started on the weather!!

Clear skies in the meantime


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