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Hello from Leicester


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Hi All

I’ve been interested in the astronomy thing for sometime but mostly restricted to naked eye and binocular viewing.

Got a scope for Christmas but have probably had ½ hour viewing since then due to poor weather and demand from the kids!

Have spent more time viewing TV ariels and chimney pots whilst setting the scope up!

Complete noob with the whole telescope thing so be prepared for some daft questions!

Looking for a small astronomy group in the Leicester area if any knows of one, somewhere I can get some hands on assistance and some help in fine tuning and making sure I’ve got my kit set up ok.

Bring on the clear nights! :)


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Hi Mark and welcome to SGL :)

Apart from Leicester astro soc at the Space Center the only other group I know is East Mids Stargazers (a sub group on here). You'd be welcome to join us any time at our dark site. Click the link in my signature below to get details and have a feel of the group - do leave a welcome message there if you like :D

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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

Spent sometime out on saturday evening with mixed results - must learn how to use the scope properly, that might help!

Theres a wealth of info on SGL that has already helped me, so many thanks to those who have put that together and have been over on Astrobaby's site where theres some good guides too, especially the one on polar alignment - thank you Astrobaby!

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