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Hi All,:D

I got into stargazing properly about a year and a half ago when I took the plunge and bought a Skywatcher 130 reflector. After a year of fumbling about on my rather cramped, somewhat light polluted balcony I'm still completely hooked on astronomy.

I work away at sea for much of the year but all I get to use in those dark ocean skies is a pair of binoculars. Ships tend to bounce and rattle about a bit so telecopes get a bit frustrating and useless out there. Even so, I've spent many an evening gazing up at the Milky Way, little red torch in one hand, star handbook in the other, pointing out the wonders of the Universe to my missus.

Let's hope for a clear Christmas night - I dropped enough hints to Mrs Staffy about a new telescope, let's see what Santa brings...

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Welcome to SGL Staffy.

You could rig a gyroscopic mount on board ship, the only movement then would be the ones you impart to it.

As similar mechanism that kept the old time ships compass level perhaps.

Good luck with hints on the new scope :D.


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