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Yet Another Newbie

Top Cat

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Hi All,

I am a lapsed amateur astronomer who has finally has a bit of time to get back in to the hobby. I already have an 8" reflector on a GEM which I have found a bit cumbersome to use in the past so I am looking at investing in a 5" MAK with GOTO technology to get me back in to the swing.

I would be grateful for any advice and input as to whether my choice is wise and where to look for a good deal. I am currently considering the Celestron 127 MAK SLT.

Any and all advice greatly received.

Clear Skys To All

Top Cat (aka Tony):)

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hi Tony welcome to SGL.

I see no-one has answered your request for comments :)

I have never used a Mak but my comments, and note that I love dobs, would be as follows:

  • with 8" of aperture you will always be able to see more targets, more satisfactorily than 5".
  • you already own the 8" so there's no cost implications of that scope - you can spend the money on better eyepieces and maybe a Telrad and right angled finder which will make finding objects far easier.
  • it is possible to convert quickly and easily a lot of GEMs to alt az mode. This saves the need to keep turning the tube etc. and it's effectively then like a dob but on a tripod. Usually you just need to turn the declination setting from about 50 degrees (assuming you are in UK) to vertical.
  • I'd try the above first and see how you go. you can use the Telrad, EPs and RA finder on other scopes too if you eventually decide it's still not the scope for you.

Hope this helps


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