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Complete beginner!


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Just a quick hello from Snowdonia Wales....Ive not long come back from America where i visited Kennedy Space Centre.Since then ive been more interested in the night sky as it were...Ive got so many questions but dont want my first post to be too long!!....I have a keen interest in wildlife so have a good pair of Swarovski Binoculars, but ive decide i need a telescope!..I like sound of Skywatcher 200p Dob from what ive read on the forums..Few questions about this scope(its getting long isnt it!!..lol)..

1.Easy to use? Find Planets Stars etc

2.Collimation, any need to worry?

Look forward to any help i get from u experts....Im a complete beginner, i think the big white thing is the Moon!....

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Hi Magic and welcome to the forum.

Well the big white thing might be that scope if you decide to buy it! :eek: A big virtue of the 'dob' is that it is easy to set and to find objects is just a matter of pointing it in the right direction. As this scope has no motors, no GOTO and no special gimmicks, then at least you know that your money is going into the mirror so £ per inch - its the best deal.

Collimation would not be difficult and like everything else, it appears more tricky than it actually is. Because it doesn't come with any navigational aids, finding objects comes down to a little knowledge of the constellations, a good map and perhaps a 'finder' device that is attached to the side of the tube be it a scope, telrad etc. I don't own this type of scope so I will leave this part to those who do and who can offer you the best recommendations for that.

Hope you enjoy it!

Clear skies

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Hi, welcome to the forum! I have not read a post complaining about the 200p dob on this forum...

I went to the space center in Florida a few years ago. I saw the shuttle crawler inch past. The Saturn V rocket on display is awesome.

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Hi and welcome from me, I've just got into astronomy myself and when there is a little gap in the clouds I go out with my nikon sport lite binos and try to work out what I'm loking at! Even with them I oohd and aahd so with more powerful binos you should be able to see a lot more. Dobs sound to be easier to set up if you have to take it outside night in night out...

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Hi from me too - wow Swarovski binos - you must be keen :eek:

200 Dob - easy to use yes - how easy it si to find stuff depends on how well you can learn the sky. That in turn depends on how much time you have available to use the scope.

Collimation - the firts time you will probably swear a lot, maybe even cry as it will start to resemble a 5 dimension Rubik Cube :) After the firts time it gets easier and after a few times you will wonder why it ever seemed hard.

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Thank you for all your replies, didnt think i would get any, was quite nervous for some reason...lol

The Swarovskis are awesome, i could justify the price tag because i use them every day when out walking the dog..Never know what your going to see!!....The clarity when looking at the moon is amazing, and jupiter isnt too bad either...I can even make out the 4 moons...but they are like pin heads(but very clear)...They are only 8x32 which is a good all round Binocular for woods, open moorlands,in the montains and general wildlife watching....But choosing a good Telescope has been very hard so far.....So much choice....So any recommendations would be very much appreciated.....thanks again..

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Hi Magic and welcome to SGL. :eek:

Collimation is really easy when you've done it a few times. As Astro Baby said the first time it's really scary, then it gets easier and easier. I do mine every time I use the scope - it's kind of relaxing now so don't worry about it. There's plenty of advice and a really cracking guide that's helped me out no end - google "Astro Baby's guide to collimation".


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