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Herts Noobie!


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Hello Loungers

I have only just joined after finding some useful advice in recent months through the forum. Hopefully i can add something in return!

Currently i am using a Skywatcher Explorer 150 on an EQ3-2 mount to which i have added tracking and a multi speed focuser. I have been using a Canon 400DSLR for moon shots and just aquired a Philips SPC900 webcam that i have only pointed at jupiter so far. All sorts of nick nacks in my kit too. Very proud of my home made solar filter made from a pie tin duck tape and Baader Astrosolar safety film :D

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By the way, not sure where in herts you are, but there's a herts astro club meet tonight in welwyn garden : Hertford Astronomy Group[t/QUOTE]

Thanks for the link waybig. I'm just outside Hemel Hempstead but its good to know there is a group not too far away.

Good to see some of you guys have bigger skywatchers as i am looking at getting a bigger tube. Might be asking fir user experience soon :D

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Hi SeedyF,

A very warm welcome to SGL, Piecan Astro filter eh!, the DIY Astronomer knows no bounds, one of my club members built a Newtonian out of catering trade Baked Bean tins, it is now on show, I believe, in the Science Museum, enjoy the forum.


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Hi Seedy and welcome to the forum. Now we know who's eaten all the pies!! :D:D

You're building up a bit of kit there and I bet you're glad you've attached some tracking facility - makes life a little easier especially at higher mags trying to squeeze out that last bit of focus (...apologies to all Dobbers! :)) I see you've crept over to the 'Dark Side' with your astrophotography so go careful, by all accounts its VERY addictive!

Clear skies ahead


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