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Hello from Somerset


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Hello from Somerset

Did a little bit as a youngster many years ago and my interest has returned - have thought about it on and off for some time now but have never got round to buying anything. Have finally ordered some binoculars and will hopefully be able to put them to use in the next few days once they've arrived. Fortunately you're out in the sticks pretty quickly round here so it's fairly dark at night.

Am prone to splashing out lots on new kit, whatver new hobby I take up, and then persuing it vigourously for a few years. Have realised that I could spend quite a bit on astrononomy. My wife tries to restrain me, but appears to be failing.

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Hi dmahon,

A very warm welcome to SGL. It could be very dangerous for your wallet if your prone to splashing out and are interested in astronomy. If you need any advice on kit, don't be afraid to ask, theres no harm on splashing out on something tht will get a lot of use and give a lot of pleasure.


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hi and welcome to the forum... at least youre going about it the right way and buying bins first. I guarantee you'll be hooked however then you'll be just like the rest of us, buying loads and loads of kit to feed your frenzy... you've come to the right place. Im from just down the road in Dorset... have a look in the social group area on the forum for scag, the south coast astro group, very helpful & informative social group who meet in the new forest regularly... anyway welcome to the forum, hope u enjoy!

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Hi and Welcome to SGL - from Somerset!

Astronomy is a fantastic hobby but there's a high risk of emptying the bank account - I'd echo the others' advice - enjoy the binos and think carefully before you buy.

If you need any help / advice please ask



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Welcome to SGL

I agree ,dont be in a hurry to buy.

Find a local astronomy club/group and go along to a meeting

they are sure to let you try out thier bits of Kit

There is a good list of local astronomy groups etc on the strathspey binoculars site

I bought too small a scope, then sold and bought bigger, etc, etc

above all ENJOY the night sky

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Welcome - I also started earlier this year with binos, and then 3 months later bought my scope. Even now though, I can still spend half the evening with the binos rather than the scope as I'm still learning al of the constellations, and where the Messiers and Nebula are in relation. It's really satisfying to be able to know most of the bright stars and star hop and find M31 and M13 etc.

I'm in Devon by the way, near Cullompton.

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Hi and welcome to the forum.

Astronomy doesn't have to be expensive providing you stay clear of the 'dark side' (astrophotography). What I would recommend, sticking my oar in, is to look through any kit before you buy (observation evenings at local astro club / star party). Aperture is king and if you have a reasonable budget it makes sense to match your expectations from the start and buy only once!

Best of luck in what you decide to buy - and of course clear skies!!!


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Hi Dmahon,

A very warm welcome to SGL, sky watching with bin's is, as has already been said, a very good way to start, if you have not already done so download the free program Stellarium, this will guide you through the night sky, a copy of Sky and Telescopes Pocket Sky Atlas by Roger Sinnott is also very helpful in the field, together with a red torch. Enjoy the forum.


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