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Another Newbie!!


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Greetings all!

My name is Liz, I live in Braintree in Essex (for the past 2 months after being in Southend for most of my life). I was pointed in the direction of this forum by the lovely Roger :D (Celescope). We have actually met as well at an astroimaging meet where I was the only girl there and Rog looked after me.

I am currently selling my current scope which is an LX90 - currently on ebay (shameless plug!) I really want to properly get into astrophotography and I am going to be getting the following set up.

Meade LX200R 12" piggybacked with an ED80 and use it with a Canon 300D camera kindly donated by my husband. All this will sit on a

EQ6 pro mount which will be on a pier. Hubby is also buying me a Pulsar 7ft observatory for Christmas so I don't have to keep moving it all about.

I shall be picking your brains relentlessly once it is all set up.

Bit more about me if you are interested...my other passion is cars, I have a Porker and I am the secretary of the MR2 roadsters owners club after owning one of them previously and still love them. I like aviation which is good as I work at Stansted Airport in Police Communications. I dare say I will be cursing said planes when they go across my images, as I am 20 miles out from the airport on the flight path :rolleyes:

Hope that is not too much info...on reading that back I sound like a bit of a Tomboy, but seen as I would rather buy a new eyepiece than a pair of shoes..if the cap fits!!

You seem a friendly bunch on here and I look forward to chatting with you all.

Ta-ra for now!!

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Welcome Liz, plenty of petrolheads here I'm sure, so don't be embarrased by your motoring side. I've recently gone from ALFAs to 'scopes myself. I'm looking forward to seeing your images, and with Rog. looking over your shoulder you're going to do well.

Make sure you have the obs. in by christmas, or you'll miss M42 and other seasonal views. :rolleyes:

Captain Chaos

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Thanks for the lovely welcome people :rolleyes:...set up has changed a bit already, the 12" will be too heavy for the mount after a long discussion with telescope house this morning, so going for the 10" LX200R - apparently it will blow my socks off with the different optics to the 8" SCT!

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Welcome Liz.....

Porker's eh!!!

Shame you're not into bikes...........I've had some fun with you porkers!!! Oops wrong forum :rolleyes:

Take no notice.......i'll get my coat...

My wife had an MR2 for a while, one of the nicest sports jobbies out there.

Nice to have you on the forum...And nice to see you 've got the imaging bug....

Feel free to pick brains on here...Not mine though :shock: I'm too busy riding my bike.


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