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687296352_FFNrY-X2.jpgM42, here we go! Chilly winter is on the way. Lum 2 hours, colours 45 mins each, unbinned, the colours on a bad night, plus shorts of 10 secs and 60 secs for the Trapezium. It needs more and will get it but this will have to do for now. It will, I hpoe, appear again in a bigger project...

Countless thanks to those who helped me work out how to layer mask in Cs3 afer the simplicity of Ps7. (In CS3 you treat the Layer Mask in Channels. Doh...)



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I was chatting to a mate in work last night and he is keen on getting into Astronomy, I reccomended this forum to him and told him there were some outstanding images on here, hopefully he's had a look on here today and seen that I was right :), an absolutely stunning view of M42 ;)

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You are all very kind. Thanks. I will put up a post on Layer Masking in CS3 because it drove me crazy after being fluent with the technique in Ps7.

You haven't seen the last of this image, I fear, because I hope to see it form part of a larger project...


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Wonderful Olly, the dust is the star of the show. Absolutely gorgeous.

Interested to see your colour exposure times. I think this totally refutes the argument that that each colour channel should have as much data as the luminence. The colour is rich and noise free.

I'll be interested to see your layer masking write up. I've never had to resort to channels in CS2 or CS4 so I'm a bit puzzled.

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