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Are we stargazers?

Richard N

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I was recently discussing on X (aka Twitter) whether the term "stargazers" does us any favours when we seek to be taken semi-seriously? This conversation arose with regard to the difficulties astronomers (amateur and professional) face with increasing numbers of artificial satellites. If the term "stargazer" is used for anyone who looks up at the night sky, I suspect that we might discover that many (possibly most) stargazers actually like seeing satellites. Personally. I prefer being thought of as an amateur astronomer rather than a stargazer. I actually quite liked seeing satellites until I started doing EAA - where they can be a nuisance. I'm probably overthinking this!

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If I describe what I am to those outside our hobby I say stargazer.  If I say astronomer all too often I get asked what sign am I.

Too many of the general public still confuse astronomy and astrology.

Edited by Second Time Around
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@Richard N The name of this forum has always irked me, so I agree with you. Whenever engaging with the public, I never use such terms and stick to astronomy, astronomer, etc. I have been referred to as an astrologer on numerous occasions and even asked if I would cast someone's horoscope. I think I would have based it around the seventh planet, if I'd been bothered to humour them.

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18 minutes ago, Second Time Around said:

Too many of the general public still confuse astronomy and astrology.

This is very true but what a great opportunity it gives to explain the difference.

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Let's be honest here. The average person thinks astronomers are a bunch of nerdy people (or perverts trying to look through people's windows!). I don't think it really matters being referred to as astronomers or stargazers lol. The public perception is basically the same! :D


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Every time I finish an imaging session and I lock the dome and shed up I invariably look up (if it hasn’t gone cloudy) and gaze at the stars for a brief spell of contemplation so yes, I guess that makes me a star gazer.

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24 minutes ago, The60mmKid said:

I don't want to be taken seriously, and I love the word stargazer 🙂 Part of what I love about it is the lack of seriousness.

Exactly my thoughts too.  I've always been very hesitant calling myself an astronomer even amateur astronomer.  That implies some scientific endeavour is going on and while I have dabbled in spectroscopy I have only done what has been done before - no boundaries were pushed back or new knowledge won.  I know there are other members who make real scientific studies with photometry and spectroscopy and they could rightly say they are amateur astronomers.  So I think using the term astronomer would be like misusing the term doctor or engineer, best avoided. If anything else it makes light of the serious academic endeavour astronomers undertake followed by their professional work.  Stargazer suits me. 


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Ok so lets look at both terms 

Stargazer ... a media favourite word ... conjurs up a person open mouthed looking up in awe . I can see the headline " stargazers in for a treat as Meteors set to light up the sky " ... i hate it ! 

Ameteur Astronomer ... a nerdy term for some but a term that implies seriousness and gives our hobby credability . ... I love it ! 

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1 hour ago, Mr Spock said:

I refer to myself as a cloud watcher.

@Mr Spockhaha oh dear! "Cloud Watcher" That is definitely the term that best describes what us folk in the UK should be known by! I never shut up complaining about the clouds/weather to family friends! haha! 

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7 minutes ago, Stu1smartcookie said:

Ameteur Astronomer ... a nerdy term for some but a term that implies seriousness and gives our hobby credability . ... I love it ! 


...until you proudly answer "Yes, I'm an astronomer" in a serious tone, and Joe Public follows up with "So.. have you seen ur-anus?" :D

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In casual conversation I will usually refer to myself as "a bit of a stargazer" as it sounds a bit less serious than "mad obsessive astrophotographer".

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2 hours ago, JeremyS said:

I don’t like the term stargazer.

That's because you're an astronomer Jeremy. A person that does science!  I don't do anything of any real scientific value, so I'm a star hopper and dolloper, doodling the things I see and generally have no project in mind other than to sight see and have an enjoyable time. I have discovered many things for myself over the years, even though others may have seen them before, but to me they were new. I've also seen things I wasn't supposed to see, such as albedo features on Mars while Mars was sub 5 arc seconds. I've had more knowledgeable men than me, especially from America, email me to say "You can't see that in a 4" scope!" I thank them for their concern and carry on observing the apparently impossible. So I'm quite happy being called a Stargazer, after all, Peltier thought himself a Stargazer, and he was both a scientist and an astro tourist, and in a far different league to myself. 

Edited by mikeDnight
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51 minutes ago, Franklin said:

How about a different route, maybe.... Celestial Observation Technician. Yes.... that sounds very important!

Celestial Observation and Money Disposal Technician.


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