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SGL 2023 Challenge 9 - The Earth and the Moon

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I can't crack getting everything in focus and correctly exposed, however I like abstract images and have found that some pleasing effects are possible with this subject.


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I suppose the way to make it easier is to take a picture of the moon before it gets fully dark - at least you can get a little more definition around the edge of the moon, though still no detail within it.  The sky here was on its way to getting fairly dark, but wasn't fully there and so you could lengthen the exposure/open the aperture/up the ISO etc and get the trees in shot without the moon being quite so blown out.


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Here's a shot taken in the old Salford docks on the Manchester Ship Canal. It's Pomona number three dock.

Shot with a Nikon D810, 105mm, f8, ISO 200 and 1/8th second.

It reminds me of an old Father Ted video about things that are small verses far away.  😁




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Arrived at our Luxury Cumbrian Villa this evening to be greeted by a stunning sky.

Reports of auroral activity from much further south. All I got was a possible red glow.

So I doubled down on the rising moon.

I went to great lengths to find the right shot. I even to the village pub. That turned out to be a source of inspiration as on the way back I was taken aback by the glory of this little Cumbrian farming village in a deep frost.

Taken with my Samsung phone in night mode, propped against a dry stone wall.


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Was lucky enough to have a second opportunity to photograph a pair of birds this morning! It's the exact same palm tree, but this time with a more exotic bird. Toucans are tipically seen in pairs, and you can just catch a glimpse of the partner's body behind the tree leaves.

Picture taken with a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ70.

Picture - Tucano.JPG

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I saw some possible nacreous clouds earlier today around 4.25 walking home, then about 5, I captured this scene with iPhone. To the eye a chain of several clouds were a luminous pink, aurora like in the sky. The moon and Jupiter also made an appearance! 

moon jupiter nacreous clouds.jpg

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A sesonal scene in the French Catalonian town of Céret, the Porte d'Espagne, a relic of the town's medieval ramparts. Moon to top right.

Single shot processed in NX Studio. Nikon D610, lens 17-35mm F2.8D at 28mm, f3.5, 1/50s, ISO640


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