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Solar eclipse this Tuesday


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I'm in work tomorrow and have a meeting at 10.30 so combined with the weather I have very limited prospects. I'll take my eclipse glasses just in case.

Anyway, I see this eclipse happens at New Moon so at least the Moon won't interfere... 😉

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I didn't expect to see anything this morning, with overcast conditions expected in the morning and heavy rain in the afternoon.

However, there were some brief gaps in the cloud - not enough to persuade me to set up the Ha scope, but I did grab my eclipse glasses and was rewarded with a great view for a few seconds around 10:50am. I hadn't checked, but I imagine that must have been close to the maximum, as a sizeable section of the Sun was hidden.

Regards, Mike.

Edited by mcrowle
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Cloudy and with showers here, but did managed to get quite a few looks through the scope up to around 10.40. This was my best Smartphone shot, plus a crop of the ‘bite’, I love the way you can see the uneven surface of the Moon silhouetted against the Sun.



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East  Midlands: Clear for nearly whole eclipse but had to shift position, due to trees. Watched through wedge and 60mm scope. Set up outside the garden and view was shared with 2 neighbours and 5 walkers on the public footpath. Timed at 10.06 - 11.50am. 4 sunspot groups.  Good show 🙂

Edited by Stephenstargazer
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