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I had better say hello


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I have been lurking here for a while, in fact since 2015 so I thought it was time to say hello. I used to run a 4" Newtonian maybe 30 years ago however the ex ended up with that and I ended up in a large village and then in a smaller village so never truly dark skies. Now, at long last we are hopefully moving/retiring to a sparsely populated part of a small island in Denmark, so hopefully more time to peer at the sky and a lot less light pollution.

Right now I have no idea of what sort of system to aspire to other than astrophotography does rather appeal..

No doubt there will be questions along the way :)


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Welcome David😊

I'm also close to the Lincolnshire Wolds and enjoy Bortle 4 skies..believe me, it's better here than in rural west Leicestershire (Bortle 5) or Leicester itself!

I also visited Denmark regularly with my job for 12 years and know there are some lovely little islands offshore, I would think at least Bortle 3, so skies should be great..worth getting a proper scope (refractor of course) now!!👍😂.

Good luck with your move.


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I think it is important to understand what you are letting yourself in for instead of jumping in with both feet. I think it was a similar number of years from meeting my wife to marrying her!



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On 10/10/2022 at 21:48, Murf26 said:

Hi there. Was lurking for 24 hours then joined currently living in rural Rutland Bortle 4 far enough away from Leicester and Peterborough to be relatively dark. 

Hello Murf26, welcome. Compared to Ovenpaa's seven years and my six months I am not sure that 24 hours qualifies as lurking, it's more like loitering :D Enjoy the Bortle 4, that's the same where we are, you should get some nice dark nights from that. All the best.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you all, I am now the proud owner of a 14" Orion Dobsonian, I have added a 450D with Backyard EOS and have the tracking software driven by my laptop so I am getting there. Now we just need to pack everything away and move and hopefully end of next month we will be in a new time zone with a dark sky enjoying the billions of stars around us.

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