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M51 LHaRGB 18th March


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I started on this in early December and Wednesday night was my second chance to add data (that's the sort of Winter it's been). Seeing was good but the moisture in the air was really cranking up the LP.

I was using a 10" LX200R with SXV AO and a QSI 532ws camera.

During the early December session the seeing was mediocre but transparancy good. In the end I used just the lum from this week but combined all the other data.

About 160 mins of 5 min subs for lum, 40x180 secs Ha binnedx2 60x70 secs blue and 70x40 secs red and green all binned x2.

The red and green data was pretty trashed by the LP and I thought I would have to do them again but it seems to have worked out ok.

All captured calibrated and combined with Maxim. Luminence and Ha deconvolved with CCD sharp and finished in PS.


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Thanks a lot everyone

Looks like the AO unit really paid off with that one Martin.

The AO was sizzling TJ. A nice guidestar and the AO was running 12 cycles per second with an RMS error of around 0.3 arc secs. The luminence was through a CLS filter and much less affected by the LP than the colour. Here's the luminence. I haven't done anything to the stars other than the deconvolution.

BTW I was using a 6.3 reducer which is actually giving about F7 so f/l approx 1750


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I need to win the lottery or start up a bank and get bailed out by the goverment... :)

It's a bit surreal thinking of the value of kit plonked on top of the tripod:icon_eek:

Thanks for the comments Billy and Rich

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