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Starfield 102mm f7 - the unboxing

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As usual, no actual boxes, just the scope :smile: Arrived today - superfast service from FLO 👍

The scope sits perfectly on an EQ5. A perfect match!



Two William Optics finder shoes fitted to give some finder placement choice.


Focuser is rotatable.


Nice colour to the objective, but, quite a bit of fine dust.


A heavy duty focuser looks as though it will take quite a bit of weight.


Altogether a really nice scope. Now all I need is some clear skies :smile:



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1 hour ago, Mr Spock said:

Altogether a really nice scope

Looking good. The focuser on these scopes are great, I had a 2" diagonal, binoviewer and two zooms hooked up and it didn't budge when pointed at the zenith! Mine's the FPL-51 version and the colour correction is great, so your FPL-53 should be excellent. The only little niggle I had, was the standard vixen bar they supply only screws into the middle of the CNC rings and I felt it could be more secure. I fitted it with one of the extra wide top vixen bars so I could get two screws in each ring at the sides.

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I know I posted on the ‘what did the postman bring’ thread but with these addition pictures, looks a cracker. I’ll add it to the mix.

I’m most on the fence about the mount for such a scope. An EQ5 looks a perfect match! Be interested to hear your thoughts after some use. Clear skies are due this week! 

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Congratulations Michael, that really is a wonderful looking combo!

I really like how the Starfield simultaneously pulls of being a modern yet classic looking refractor. 

Very much looking forward to your thoughts regarding the optics : )


Edited by Chris
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First light between the clouds. No cool down and a lovely airy disc and diffraction ring on Deneb at x137. x190 was pushing it with no cooldown but it still looked good with a slight hint of false colour - maybe see if that's there when it's cooled.


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I had the Altair version of this (102EDR) and its a very nice scope. When I brought it to the local astro club everyone who had a peek through it commented on how sharp it was. I even bagged M1 with it from my old light polluted back garden!

Edited by david_taurus83
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