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Well, No one is perfect !!

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Hi , last night i set up , Mount level , check . Pointing North , check , Everything tightened down , check ... focusing sorted , check . 

Great , lets slew to the Moon ... er ... whats wrong ? a deep bright band disecting the moon in my 2" 50mm EP ... better change the EP , what ? the same problem in my Aero 32mm !!! 

Getting a bit panicky now . It was then that i noticed that i had left the batinov mask on the WO ZS73 . zzzzz .

My point in telling this little story ? when things don't seem to go to plan , its usually something really silly that can be rectified quite easily .

It got me thinking though ... i'm sure i'm not alone in making silly errors . Whats everyone elses  experiences ? 

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Stu1smartcookie? 🤔 Maybe a change of forum name is needed!

Yes, we have all done 'silly'.

1. 3/4's of a nights imaging in Blue as I put the wrong filter in the imaging plan.

2. Unable to work out why none of the kit was working. Power off! LED's all lit from the USB supply....

3. Mount broken. No, mount not connected....

The list goes on.😂

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I've left the translucent 1.25" field lens cap on my 12mm NT4 because it's hard to see and remove up under the 20mm 2" skirt extension to make it parfocal.  You get some light, but you know something is wrong.


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HEQ5 alignment failed because that wasn't Polaris after all I had lined up.

Locking my keys in my car at a star party. Of course, it was clear that night, but I missed it as I went back home to fetch the spare key.




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All of the above, and anything else that is daft - I’ve done it.

Focuser motor set to “reverse”

Focus locked when trying autofocus

Wrong FF/FR in the focus tube


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Bumping ISO up to max to find stars for a quick framing shot and then (pleased with the framing) immediately doing an hour of imaging that all needs to be thrown away due to wrong ISO setting.


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10 minutes ago, KevinPSJ said:

Bumping ISO up to max to find stars for a quick framing shot and then (pleased with the framing) immediately doing an hour of imaging that all needs to be thrown away due to wrong ISO setting.


It' so easy to do 

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50 minutes ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

Walking a away from a dslr delicately balanced on a tripod eyepiece tray. The intervalometer cable still attached to camera and handset in jacket pocket... Crack as the camera hits the patio... Thankfully still working despite the new scuff... 🙄



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Get everything set up - done

Polar align - done

Star align - done

Get all software talking - done

Track to first object - fail 

Forget to charge battery - done

Order power pack - done

Edited by M40
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Yay! A silliness amnesty. I'm sure I've got some to add 😁.

I power my gear from my shed and have to pass a cable over a fence to get there. Last night I thought I'd throw it, with just enough slack so it doesn't hit the ground, but it bounced off the fence and landed square on my head (prongs first, of course). That hurt 😖

On Wednesday I set up, polar aligned, ready to. Slewed to target. Points at fence. Totally forgot to consider where my target was. Moved a few feet. Set up again. Estimation was wrong. Still not clearing fence. Third time it was OK.

So that's this week.... 

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Ahem, this avo I nearly lost the cap for my ED100, trying to put it on my ED120. Just snatched it back before it fell out of my fumbling fingers and down the tube. It was a late night...

Edited by Luke
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2 minutes ago, Mr Thingy said:

Yay! A silliness amnesty. I'm sure I've got some to add 😁.

I power my gear from my shed and have to pass a cable over a fence to get there. Last night I thought I'd throw it, with just enough slack so it doesn't hit the ground, but it bounced off the fence and landed square on my head (prongs first, of course). That hurt 😖

On Wednesday I set up, polar aligned, ready to. Slewed to target. Points at fence. Totally forgot to consider where my target was. Moved a few feet. Set up again. Estimation was wrong. Still not clearing fence. Third time it was OK.

So that's this week.... 

lol I just keep telling myself that these things build character . I know .... I'm not convinced either :)


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Setting Artemis Capture running, popping back after an hour and discovering not clicked autosave, turning subframe on in Maxim to focus and forgetting to untick it so ending up with an hour or so little tiny pictures of one nicely focused star, forgetting the clocks have changed etc etc etc.


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1 hour ago, ddm4313 said:

I got frustrated a week ago because my PC wasn't detecting the mount, fast forward 20 mins and  I realize the cable wasn't plugged n.

Been there, done that... 🤦‍♂️ I now have a tick list, but still miss things

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