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Hi everyone,

Just joined the forum, and thought I should introduce myself. I have always been interested in the night skies, but rather informally, and most of my viewing has been with the naked eye, whilst fishing. Having said that I live in West Wales and when it's not raining I've seen some spectacular skies which have caused me to put my rod down and just look up. Last year I bought a cheap tripod bracket for my 7x42 birding binos, not ideal but they have given me so much pleasure. I had no idea star clusters would sparkle enough to be that impressive- to be honest I found actually seeing the Pleiades more impressive than the best of Hubble images.

I am now looking at telescopes, fortunately pandemic shortages have prevented me from making a snap purchase, though I think I'm going to go for an 8" dobsonian, though the ease of a goto mount has to be considered. I'm not the most technical type, I just want an instrument I can learn to use reasonably well, and to be honest I can't see astronomy taking over my other hobbies. I hope that's not heresy here!

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Welcome aboard SGL. Good to have you with us.

Being captivated by the night sky puts you in good company.  An 8 inch Dob will serve you very well. Easy to set up, views that will blow your socks off, and probably the best value in terms of optics for cash. Even though I've now moved to a goto (as it's very difficult to star-hop in light polluted Teesside), I'll never part with my Dob. If you really connect with nature, a Dob is the best way to do that: just you, the scope and the heavens.

Enjoy your newfound love affair 🙂


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Hello and welcome. Not jealous of where you live...... honest 😜 A few years ago we had a break in mid Wales; knowing it to be a dark area I loaded the car with my 200P and lots of bubble wrap. We were fortunate enough to have some very dark and very clear nights when we were there. Didn't bother with the telescope, just sat outside and looked. First and only time I have seen the milky way.

The 200P is an excellent, very easy to use and enhance telescope but not very portable. If you have thought about taking your telescope with you for when you blank at your other hobby you may want to consider something a little more portable, if on the other hand the telescope is staying at home, then an 8" Dobsonian is a great choice.


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You have the advantage of having already followed the advice that's often given to new enthusiasts here, i.e. (1) get to know the sky with just your eyes; (2) see what more you can find with binoculars; (3) think about a telescope.

Good luck with finding something suitable that's in stock, in this Covid era. If you've not already realised, First Light Optics (who support this forum), have a sale on this week, you might find something. 

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Welcome! I'm only a newbie, but joining this forum is definitely a great start in this hobby! 

As Zermelo has said, definitely check out the FLO sale, without it I wouldn't now have a telescope waiting to be shipped to me! I think there have already been a couple of good Dobsonians in it...

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