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Managed to get an extremely rare clear sky last night, and although I had some rather bizarre equipment issues, I eventually fell back to using my Canon 80D (stock) as the imaging camera. I intended to use no filter but I forgot my IDAS NGS1 was fitted. So yeah, ended up using a filter on a reflection nebula!


75 x 120s, ISO 800, Canon 80D, Sky-Watcher Evostar 80ED, IDAS NGS1, Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro, APT, DSS & PS

This was stacked without bias frames. It was also edited at 4am. So I'm restacking now that I've taken my bias and I'll go again at editing it. Maybe add some more time on it in the future perhaps. Oh, and tone that blue down a hair I think. I can see filter reflections also cus the stars are so bright. I hate that :( 


Thanks for looking :) 


M45 2020 Version.jpg

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Love this Ruz! Lots of whispy stuff captured there. Look forward to seeing your updated version.

How come you resorted to the Canon? Issues with the astrocam? I was out last night as it was clear over lincoln too. Added another 5 hours to my NGC7000. Clouded over for another week now :rolleyes2:

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Thanks mate. Yeah I'm interested to see how it turns out also! Haha  

Yeah the 071 was messing about. Not sure as to why but instead of wasting more time I just put the Canon on and got busy. Oh another 5 hours? What's the total at now? Yeah the weather has been downright appalling this year hasn't it 

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13 minutes ago, AstroRuz said:

Thanks mate. Yeah I'm interested to see how it turns out also! Haha  

Yeah the 071 was messing about. Not sure as to why but instead of wasting more time I just put the Canon on and got busy. Oh another 5 hours? What's the total at now? Yeah the weather has been downright appalling this year hasn't it 

Ah man that sucks. Lucky you have a back up you can use! 

I have 6 hours total now and I'm probably leaving it there for this year. I'll move onto a new target whenever it's next clear. Either M45 or M42 I think. The classics!

I've updated my post on here (1 hour of NGC7000) with the 6 hour version if you wanted to take a look. And yeah, the weather is garbage. I need to move to Spain I think.

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It looks like you've got a great set of data, the nebulosity is nice and detailed.  When you come to reprocess it might be worth considering a bit less noise reduction since the background areas have a bit of a smeary look.  Also, there are some unnatural looking stars in the bright areas which I think have resulted from sharpening, some form of star mask would help if this is the case.

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