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IKO - DWB 111 Propellor Nebula - Processing Competition


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Lovely data, as has been mentioned the Sii is cracking!  Not much processing required when its this good - just a few curves to get the colour how I liked, HDRWavelets and a teeny bit of noise reduction and finally, fixed the magenta stars.


Edited by blinky
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Thanks for supplying the data. Here's my go at processing it in Pixinsight:


Hope you like it!


Televue-85, WO RedCat 51, LX200 10";    HEQ5-Pro, Star Adventurer Pro;    ZWO ASI183MM Pro, Canon Rebel T3i Astro modded;    Pixinsight, SG Pro, Affinity Photo, PHD2

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I have thrown caution to the wind and the rule book out of the window and possibly created a new pallet!! 😉 

Stretched the 3 images, combined the channels using HSO!!  Ha to Red, SII to Green and OIII to Blue. Removed the stars with Starnet, Tweaked Curves, TGV Denoise with the lightest of touches, Unsharp mask - again hardly at all. Morphological transformation on the stars to knock them back a bit, boosted the very faint colour and added them back in to the colour image at 80% using PixelMath. Altered the orientation as I felt it looks better and portrait images are unusual in astronomy (as is the pallet!!).

Saved as TIFF for full res and JPEG for ease of viewing.

Final version with stars.jpg

Final version with stars.tif

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A huge thank you to to FLO & IKO for this, weather has been awful here so was great to have some quality data to work with.


Each channel
Small stretch with HistogramTransformation

Create SuperLum using all 3 starless images
Balance channels with HistogramTransformation

PixelMath to combine as SHO
LRGB Combination using SuperLum
Remove magenta stars with "Invert->SCNR->Invert"

Stars layer
PixelMath to combine each channel (before starnet) for stars image
Several Small stretches via HistogramTransformation to keep stars tight with good colour
PhotometricColorCalibration for star colour and background neutralisation (narrowband mode)
Curves (saturation)

Combine nebula & stars with PixelMath

Export to Photoshop

sharpening (unsharpmask)

Adjust contrast, colour and saturation to taste

slight amount of Topaz DeNoize AI applied to darkest areas
Rotate image to my preference for the best view.


Edited by Rob63
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Super data no warts to fix or hide.

First run process StarTools 1.7.450a GPU. Compose and loaded the three files as RGB and auto generated synthetic luminance. Bin 50%, Crop and trimmed 20 pixels off all round. Wipe as narrow band. Auto dev HDR and reveal DS core. Contrast just subtle 5%. Mask created then Decon. Mask created then Minimal Sharp. Colour RGB:GRB. Mask created then Shrink on tighten stars. Tracking off and Denoise. Layer and invert fg. Colour and cap green 100%. Layer and invert foreground. Save. Irfanview to then save the tiff as png for upload.




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Thanks again for the great data. I had fun this with one as this is my first image processed using Pixinsight so I'm actually pleased with the result!

- DBE 

- combined to SHO

- background neutralisation

- histogram transformation

- histogram adjustment to balance colours

- Ha added as luminance



- Star reduction

- starnet star removal

- selective colour in PS to bring out the golds and yellow

- stars added back in

- slight adjustment to remove excess colour from background




Edited by Adam1234
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Hi all,
This is such a good idea, really nice to compare processing of the same data and see different styles! Picking up lots of tips and tricks.
I haven't had the chance to process narrowband colour much previously so was playing around and found a nice 'false colour' technique for narrowband data online using R: 0.75xSII+0.25xHa, G: OIII, B: 0.1xHa+0.9xOIII.

-Processed RAW files independently in PS with levels and curves initially. (You realise how good the data is when the initial curves is so easy!)

-Combined the processed files in the ratios as above and RGB.

-More curves to keep brighter stars controlled

-Light use of noise reduction/sharpening

-Astro tools and Steve's actions for star reduction and colour enhancement.

-I just liked the orientation this way and have been looking at it like this for a while so any other way looks off

Thanks again SGL team, good fun and good results above! Stay well all!



propellor final natural nb combination.jpg

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A different approach to handling the stars.

Second run process StarTools 1.7.450a GPU. Compose and loaded the three files as RGB and auto generated synthetic luminance. Bin 50%, Crop and trimmed 20 pixels off all round. Wipe as narrow band. Auto dev HDR and reveal DS core. Contrast just subtle 3%. Mask created then Minimal Sharp. Mask created excluding large stars Colour [H(H+O)O Duoband 100R,50R+25G+25B,50G+50B]. Mask created then Shrink on tighten stars. Life very subtle. Sharp on dark structures. Tracking off and Denoise. Save. Irfanview to then save the tiff as png for upload.


Edited by happy-kat
second not first
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Here's my take, all done in PS. 

Used starnet to remove the stars, then add them back in again in blend mode Screen and with a much smaller stretch. Tonemapping done for the colour. 

Amazing data, wish mine was as good as this, so thanks for sharing! 😀


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