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Fate of universe


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2 minutes ago, Alien 13 said:

I thought that the Universe being infinitely small was still a viable theory..as is holographic projection.


Given that universe is all there is - I maintain that the size of universe is precisely 1.

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Just now, Alien 13 said:

I thought that the Universe being infinitely small was still a viable theory..as is holographic projection.


Your right Alan I believe it is still current although I must admit I never fully understood it. I was just teasing you :) 

In frivolous moments I like to think that at the end of the universe we would find Doctor Who, suspended in space, with the Tardis door open taking in the view.  What would you give to be there with him :)   In a kind of similar vein I've wondered what it would be like to travel back in time to  witness the very moment the first stars switched on.  It's kind of sad in a way that such a thing wasn't witnessed except now indirectly I guess by our telescopes and the ghostly records of the light we gaze on.


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On 11/11/2020 at 19:53, vlaiv said:

According to this:


We have a few competing theories: Big Freeze or heat death, Big Rip, Big Crunch, Big Bounce, Big Slurp and Cosmic uncertainty

I did not know about Big Slurp which is pretty interesting as it says everything could disappear in an instant (due to Higgs Field and true/false vacuum thing - not going to pretend I understand it), and Cosmic uncertainty which basically means that we have no clue (well educated guess of not having a clue :D ).

I vote Big Freeze as being most realistic from current data.

On a positive note, nobody will be able to complain about or blame Global Warming! 😆

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10 hours ago, Viktiste said:

And we happen to live in the few nanoseconds where we we start to understand any of this (or so we at least think). 

Well....  it is kind of a disturbing thought, even though it is most probably a fact. Maybe it has something to do with our strong will to survive. Most people, if facing a life threatening situation don't just give up and think 'Oh well, what is so terrible about non-existence' and give up...

Indeed.  Truth to tell, I'm cribbing a thought of Mark Twain's here. He was an atheist and said of death, 'I was dead for billions of years before being born and it didn't inconvenience me in the slightest.'  As I move nearer to the fatal bellman I do find this thought reassuring!


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13 hours ago, andrew s said:

Like  the OP, it has bilpped into existance and will then disappear without trace.

Regards Andrew 

Perhaps he is undergoing metric expansion and can no longer see his keyboard as he recedes from it faster than the speed of light :) 


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12 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

Indeed.  Truth to tell, I'm cribbing a thought of Mark Twain's here. He was an atheist and said of death, 'I was dead for billions of years before being born and it didn't inconvenience me in the slightest.'  As I move nearer to the fatal bellman I do find this thought reassuring!


Yes true Olly, but once you have tasted a fine wine it is all you long for.


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13 hours ago, andrew s said:

Like  the OP, it has bilpped into existance and will then disappear without trace.

Regards Andrew 

Yes, possibly. But it will take so long to do whatever it's going to do that we will never know. So maybe there will be a trace, it's just that we won't be around to see it. That, I think, is the sad part of it all.

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At the risk of turning the thread morbid !    "Sleep, those little slices of death — how I loathe them."    Edgar Allan Poe, I had always thought it was Shakespeare that made that reference.  A quick google search shows that the idea of sleep being like "little mini deaths" is apparently an ancient one. I must admit I do love my sleep - hopefully eternity will be just as restful  but may it be a wee will longer before I find out :) 


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8 minutes ago, andrew s said:

"We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep. "

However, before the end we should all have a jolly good time. Look up and enjoy the stars.

Regards Andrew 

Trying to place that quote. Was it Russ Abbott?

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According to The Hidden Universe (by Anthony Peake), since we are now creating ever more sophisticated simulations of "reality", then perhaps some advanced civilisation in the past has already created a simulated universe........and we now occupy it.  

The end might come when someone just pulls the plug!




Edited by cloudsweeper
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18 minutes ago, cloudsweeper said:

According to The Hidden Universe (by Anthony Peake), since we are now creating ever more sophisticated simulations of "reality", then perhaps some advanced civilisation in the past has already created a simulated universe........and we now occupy it.  

The end might come when someone just pulls the plug!




Is there a binge watch option like we have with Netflix ? Come to think if it I guess that is life :)


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16 minutes ago, saac said:

Is there a binge watch option like we have with Netflix ? Come to think if it I guess that is life :)


Yes Jim - life: to refer to Shakespeare again, we're all just strutting and fretting our parts on the stage before we are heard no more!  Best get the telescope out and enjoy some more simulation!  😉


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I've actually read most of the replies to the OP statement.

All the thoughts of the fate of the universe are quite interesting.

The thought that came to my mind, though I cant remember it exactly, is the serenity prayer.

I cant change it, so I'm not going to worry about it.

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