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Is it still possible to see comet Neowise?

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1 hour ago, pblackwell said:

Hi all, 

Is it still possible to see comet Neowise with the naked eye? (I’ve tried but cannot see it)

and is it still possible to view with a telescope?



I saw it in my 4” scope on Tuesday from Esher. The Moon was fairly bright and it’s not that dark around there so you should be able to see it. This was a picture I took with my phone through the scope, unprocessed and processed.



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55 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Saw it a couple of nights ago from my light polluted location with 11x70 binoculars couldn't see it naked eye as it's now a shadow of it's former self.


Similar here. Most small scopes should show it but it's a case of finding it.

By the way - I've moved this to the comet section. Hope that's OK.


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I've just found it with 8x56 binoculars from here. It's glowing softly in Coma Berenices tonight. Not striking but fairly obvious just above the scatter of stars in that constellation:


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