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Excited about 2017?


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First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR all at SGL! Wishing you all a very enjoyable, prosperous and cloud free year.

What are people's thoughts on the year ahead astronomically? I must admit I'm quite excited for the months ahead. There's quite a lot going on up there :-) 3 bright(ish) comets, two of these comets will be in the same constellation in April!        

All three should easily reach binocular viewing brightness. Then in August there's 'The Big One' if you live in America or are planning on visiting. Even though I wont witness it, I'm still intrigued as to how this will compare to the 1999 eclipse and just what kind of media frenzie the world will get in to on this one.

Any other events people are looking forward to this year?

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I'm watching quadrantids meteor shower tomorrow night into the next morning, upto 40 meteors ph apparently....

I also look forward to observe Venus on its greatest elongation on the 12 of this month.

i found a Astro Calendar which being new I've found really helpful  

it's on another website tho (which I'm not signed up to)

im not sure on SGL's rules on me posting it

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