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Latest ASI462MC images...

Kokatha man

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Hi all - I haven't posted here for ages but I do look in regularly: Sam sent me the new ASI462MC (colour) camera a month or so ago (very sensitive, low noise & strong ir performance) & Pattie & I have been doing some trialling whenever the clouds aren't around. :lol: 

The latest from home has yielded the best results so far, albeit in cloud-covered skies where we found a small half-hour gap to capture some decent images.

About an hour ago I cobbled together a quick animation from the 3 images displayed in the composite one here to add to the other 2... ;)





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Thanks again people :) - Peter, the camera certainly exhibits high sensitivity & low noise in the stacks, as per what the specs would suggest...in our testing that's what comes through strongly...but it does require some heavy saturation & vibrancy to bring out the colour effectively: some suggest this is all down to the Bayer matrix filters, but it is definitely requiring more of those applications than the ASI224MC: however, we noticed that the mono ASI290MM also required significant boosts to those applications also to achieve decent colouration, so if the Bayer filters are an aspect they cannot be the complete story imo...

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  • 2 months later...


What brilliant, outstanding pictures.

Could I please ask for your opinion and advice ?

Basically, I currently have an older Meade LX10(clock work powered RA only) but a lovely scope for planetary.

And I have a ASI120MC-S camera that I have used for planetary and also to guide my WOZ61 for DSO using a DSLR(still new to all of that). However, I have been looking at some of the reviews for the new ASI 462MC.


Q1) My question is, do you consider the 462 a worth while upgrade to the 120 ?


My longer term aim is to then use the 462 potentially for planetary and guiding and to probably then sell my 120MC-S and later(if not divorced) to look at a DSO camera for the Z61(maybe 183MC or 533MC), much

later after hiding all of the knives in the house and selling all my belongings.


Q2) I appreciate the 462 is primarily a planetary camera, but could it be used for DSO ?

(Not sure if anyone has tried or tested that, currently I am using unmodified DSLR's - just thinking as a stop gap as well)


Hopefully you don't mind all of the questions and thanks in advance for any replies.



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