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Greeting to you all from Lecco, Italy!


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Hi, I'm a 19 year old (little) guy from Italy. I live near Milan in a medium-sized city called Lecco, with a Bortle 7/8 sky.

I was passionate about astrophysics and astronomy since i was 8 years old, but i never owned a telescope until my parents thought about buying one for my little brother: this is were all my "strumentitis" began😅

Now i own a 16 inch dobsonian and I explore the sky every time it's clear!

P.s: I very much like motorsport, mechanics and mechanical engineering, and also like cooking and eating enormous amounts of food (like any proper Italian citizen should do🤣)

Thanks to you all, clear skies!

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If you are an Italian National, your English is very good indeed.   A 16" Dob. is no slouch on the sky, and you must enjoy the many superb  residents of Italy's night skies. SGL has many guys who own large Dobsonian scopes, and are known as the Dob. Mob 😁. I'm sure you will get to know them personally as time goes by.     Anyway, welcome to the SGL forums, friendly and knowledge rich too, so if it's ever help or advice you need, just ask away.     

    Best Wishes   Ron 



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Buon Giorno, and welcome to SGL.  There are one or two of your fellow Italians on here.  This is a great Forum, lots of help and advice if you need it.  Lots of nice chat if you don't.


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