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HitecAstro at FLO

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We are pleased to announce as of this week First Light Optics has taken over the manufacturing, ownership and distribution of all HitecAstro products and intellectual property. 

David Jackson, the man who launched HitecAstro over a decade ago, is looking forward to a quieter life where he can pursue not only astronomy but also his other hobbies (flying remote control aircraft and touring with his wife, Shelley, in their camper van). 

Dave built HitecAstro from nothing into a cohesive range of respected products. He also built a good reputation for himself within the industry. We want to thank him for his contribution to amateur astronomy over the years and for the legacy of impressive products he bought to market. 

Dave will continue working with us in a supportive role while we transition the products across and develop existing projects further. We look forward to revealing these new products over the coming months and years. 

For support and information please email us at support@hitecastro.co.uk


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Good to see these additions to the  Flo. Empire.   Has to be recognised World Wide now, and with a well deserved reputation to boot.                                           Well done to all concerned, a good staff is paramount, and that is firmly in place.       I have witnessed this growth almost from it's birth.      Congrats to.all concerned.👍👍.                                                                                        Ron.

Edited by barkis
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Nice to see FLO ,David is a very commited guy,met him in the depths of Kielder,having just taken delivery  of my Obsession scope and running out of power about 5 in the morning with the temp around -9, heard a car watched it go one way then back again  it finally came down the track we were in,it was David on his first trip with a boot full of newly made heaters etc,we supplied the coffee and bacon buttties and David put about 3 or 4 dew bands on and hey presto no more dewing problem,we then showed him the way to the castle where he was to show off his new products,i can confirm they worked ,have always used his products and can recomend them,good luck to David and enjoy your touring.


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