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Voyager Questions

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run my first small sequence using it last night, including plate solving and auto-focus, and all worked perfectly and as expected.  Hard to fault it at this point other than the small bits noted like, at a glance, being able to see which filter I'm currently using etc, but performance wise, spot on.

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I have a sample script kindly supplied by  @Fellside containing a useful set of 'Events' for Suspend, Exit etc. that I would like to re-use in my test script. I know that I can insert fragments of DragScript from existing scripts by right clicking on the Script header and selecting 'Insert ......'. However, I don't appear to be able to do this from the events section. I have deleted everything else from the script leaving just the events and anything else that can no be deleted but it won't inset, I just get a new 'Block 1'.

I know that the insertion process is working because I can insert individual sections of a block BUT I can't load these into the 'Events' section, only into a new block. Is there somersaulting I am doing wrong or is it simply not possible to insert from the Events section?

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I start with a template which includes the Events. Got these from Wiki Examples. Then add your code either written or inserted from a file below the script icon/block. (at the top).

Are you trying to insert a file into the Events section? I dont think that is possible. But I may be wrong🙂

My Events include custom camera warming section and Fans on/off. You can delete and edit as required. Seems to work for me.




Edited by Fellside
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3 hours ago, Fellside said:

I start with a template which includes the Events. Got these from Wiki Examples. Then add your code either written or inserted from a file below the script icon/block. (at the top).

Are you trying to insert a file into the Events section? I dont think that is possible. But I may be wrong

Yes, I am trying (and failing!) to insert into the Events section so I am going to work backwards and inset my code into your version with all your code removed with the exception of the Events. Thanks for the link. :thumbright:

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It must be something that I am doing wrong but I am unable to insert any script into another script - it just doesn't appear UNLESS the script is a freshly reset script with nothing in it but the standard headings.

I'll have to dig deeper ......

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Just try inserting you saved DS into the script section of my events file.

Events, suspend and resume  are only of use if you have some sort of weather detection. 

The error handling is important. iF OK passes to the next block. IF ERROR can take you to your Terminate Session block. Closing the roof and shutting down the system.


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36 minutes ago, Fellside said:

Are you all reading the Wiki? 

Yes, I am indeed reading the WiKi.

I should be able to insert straight on to the 'Script' header but this doesn't work for me. However, if I drag a block onto the Script header I can then inset into this new block. However, the WiKi states:-

Right click on the Script block tag and select Insert DragScript from File. Choose the file containing the DragScript fragment we saved above and click Open:


The DragScript fragment is added in a new block at the end of the Script block. Highlight the new Block tag (Block 1 in this example), use the up/down arrow toolbar icons to move the block to your desired location. Edit the block as required and don't forget to save your changed script.

The yellow highlight is my annotation of the text! This sadly doesn't work for me!

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Steve, Edit Script, right click on the script header, insert DragScript. This adds a block at the end of the script. Click on the + to expand the block.

Sorry Steve I have just downloaded the events file and I can't get it to work either.

Edited by nigelg
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I've tried and it doesn't work for me either @steppenwolf so I'm not sure it is anything you are doing wrong as I followed the most logical route and the Wiki.

Had my first full lock up with it last night though when using Viking with my Velleman card. I'm going to try to reproduce it tonight and capture the fault, but I had to close everything down and reboot, so not ideal.

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14 minutes ago, RayD said:

I've tried and it doesn't work for me either @steppenwolf so I'm not sure it is anything you are doing wrong as I followed the most logical route and the Wiki.

Thanks for the confirmation, Ray - I am working on this and may have a 'final' confirmation later. If I don't get that confirmation, I guess it could be possible that it is something to do with the trial version, although I feel that is unlikely?

16 minutes ago, RayD said:

Had my first full lock up with it last night though when using Viking with my Velleman card. I'm going to try to reproduce it tonight and capture the fault, but I had to close everything down and reboot, so not ideal.

I have had this earlier on in my testing and found a way of repeating it and resolving it so perhaps this might help you:-

If I start Viking manually and then start Voyager, I usually have an issue with Viking. However, if I only start Voyager and allow it to call Viking, it has yet to fail on me.

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1 hour ago, steppenwolf said:

Thanks for the confirmation, Ray - I am working on this and may have a 'final' confirmation later. If I don't get that confirmation, I guess it could be possible that it is something to do with the trial version, although I feel that is unlikely?

I have had this earlier on in my testing and found a way of repeating it and resolving it so perhaps this might help you:-

If I start Viking manually and then start Voyager, I usually have an issue with Viking. However, if I only start Voyager and allow it to call Viking, it has yet to fail on me.

Thanks, Steve. you could be right as I did start it manually. I'll try it again with it starting automatically. 

I thought about the trial version re the scripts also but when I checked last night it noted the trial is a full version, only needing the license updated at the end, with none of the files changing, so I pretty much dismissed that.

Thanks for the feedback re Viking.

Edited by RayD
Usual speeling gaff!!
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Load my Events file (further back in the thread)

Drag Block element from list on the right in Editor Elements.     See https://voyager.tourstar.net/index.php?title=DragScript_Elements

Hover over Script, You should see a grey box and attached to the mouse pointer. (the box tells you where you can drop elements)

Now go to the new block and Insert your code from the file. You can then Drag and drop elements into Block 1 or drag elements from your block 2 up to block 1. The Elements in your block will not move out of there block using the green arrows.

Second method is a quicker method particulaly if you need to keep the whole block.

Drag new block as above. (block 1)

Insert your code from the file onto block 1.

Drag your block 2 onto the the script.

Delete Block 1


Edited by Fellside
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Hi All

Try as Borris would say Tiny steps. Try a few simple DS, Look through the examples. These are in the DS editor, top left icon, Preloaded scripts.

If you try to control your whole observatory remotely on the first night. There is going to be frustration, problems and you will probably walk away. Which would be a great shame.

If you are sitting and supervising your imaging. Give the "On the Fly sequence" a try. There are lots of settings that you will probably be familiar with. They may have a slightly different name and be in a different place. But you will soon get use to the way Voyager does things. Then you can move on to the next stage.


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1 hour ago, Fellside said:


Load my Events file (firther back in the thread) ................................................

Thank you, Graham, I am pleased to confirm that both methods work for me although the second one is the quicker of the two to complete, as you have said. Perhaps the WiKi can be tweaked to explain the insertion process better?

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Hi All,

I am beginning to use Voyager and will watch (and participate in) this thread with interest.

With the construction of my observatory and the potential for longer 'unattended' periods of running, I moved from APT to NINA for sequence control. This worked fine, but isn't really set up for observatory control and therefore meant I could not go to bed untill the squence was finished (unless I trusted the weather!). I like the interface of NINA, it's very intuitive, and it worked fine, but didn't do everything I wanted. So, on to Voyager. I considered SGP, but liked the even greater options offered by Voyager and its rapid pace of development.

I have used sequences and on-the-fly, but not yet dragscript. Further automation of the ROR is planned for the summer at which point scripts will become more important.

The bits I have tried work well, once I had got my mind around the concept and sorted out some misconceptions.

I use the robofire focusing and it has worked well for me giving me at least as good results as I got from NINA and manual focusing. I found it faster than the NINA focus process.

For platesolving I have used ASTAP. You have to trick Voyager into thinking it is Platesolve2, but there are clear instructions and it is easy to do https://www.hnsky.org/astap.htm#voyager.

I have purchased Viking, a Velleman VM110N interface card, and a 16 relay card to handle the automation of the Obsy, but have nothing connected up yet. I am still sketching connections and working out how I can sense everything with the number of digital inputs available.

The wiki and the forum have lots of examples of scripts to do differnet things and I think I understand what I will need to do.

Looking forward to everyone's experiences, tips and tricks. Very glad that @Leonardo Orazihas joined us to keep an eye on what we are up to.

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Does anyone know if the trial period starts when you download the programme or when you start using it??

I would be very keen to download it and start setting stuff up and checking that it meets my needs but I wont be able to try it under the stars until August.

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3 minutes ago, Skipper Billy said:

Does anyone know if the trial period starts when you download the programme or when you start using it??

I would be very keen to download it and start setting stuff up and checking that it meets my needs but I wont be able to try it under the stars until August.

Sorry I don't. I could not keep my hands off of it so started playing immediately. Then had a mad rush to make sure it would do what I thought I wanted before the trial period expired 😄. Check the forum, but I am pretty sure it starts when you install as a unique code is generated for your machine. @Leonardo Orazi may answer.

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33 minutes ago, Skipper Billy said:

Does anyone know if the trial period starts when you download the programme or when you start using it??

I would be very keen to download it and start setting stuff up and checking that it meets my needs but I wont be able to try it under the stars until August.

You can get a good feel for it with the simulators in the shy x for me but ascom have similar.

In fact I trail dragscripts first on my home machine before transferring to the obs. 

Regards Andrew 

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1 hour ago, Skipper Billy said:

Does anyone know if the trial period starts when you download the programme or when you start using it??

I would be very keen to download it and start setting stuff up and checking that it meets my needs but I wont be able to try it under the stars until August.

Things may have changed but I think you can download the software. Set all you equipment up then activate the 45 day trial when you are ready. Dont quote me on that 🙂


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I am having a big problem with Voyager FITS Viewer in that it just hangs and the only way to release it is to use Task Manager and End Process. It makes no difference whether I manually launch it or call it from within Voyager. Has anyone else had this issue?

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