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Precautions during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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With the Covid-19 pandemic in mind we are making some changes to the way we work at FLO to protect our staff and prevent the spread of the virus. 

Most changes are internal. I.e. installing paper towel and soap dispensers, routinely disinfecting bannisters, handles, light switches, and so on. The usual stuff. 

More notable though is we will not be attending astro events from now until June 😷

We are also restricting order collections from our warehouse. If it is necessary for you to collect an order please contact us first

We hope you will agree these precautions are necessary and well-intentioned during what is an unusual situation. 

If only caffeine had anti-viral properties... 🤗

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I fully understand and agree with your precautions.

At work, we have just started to receive supplier emails along the lines of 'no collections'.

We have taken the precautions of stopping rep visits for now and increasing hygiene on dealing with incoming  parcels.

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Since many stores have been stripped of their stocks of hand sanitisers, and liquid soaps, I'm wondering how effective Isopropyl Alcohol would be as a bug killer. 

I've developed regular hand washing regime as recommended by those who know about these virus invasions. Anyway, I understand the Alcohol has to be 60%. My IPA isn't that strong, so might be useless in any case. I wonder where Psychobilly got that unusually strong Vodka he produced at an  SGL's Star Party a few years ago 😁

The wife and I did a shop this morning in Aldi, it was pandemonium in there, everyone had trolleys packed to the gills with shopping. Talk about panic buying, it's a dog eat dog mentality starting to manifest. I'm not sure the UK will be badly affected, at least I hope that will be the outcome.

  Good to see Flo. preparing to safeguard each other.


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2 hours ago, barkis said:

I'm wondering how effective Isopropyl Alcohol would be as a bug killer

Alcohol dissolves the oils that protect the skin, and will leave you with dry skin. Use a hand/skin moisturizing product after the alcohol.

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3 hours ago, barkis said:

Since many stores have been stripped of their stocks of hand sanitisers, and liquid soaps, I'm wondering how effective Isopropyl Alcohol would be as a bug killer. 

 Alcohol has to be 60%. My IPA isn't that strong, so might be useless in any case.


This will sort you out, you can keep it in the frezzer, it doesn't freeze, and comes out thickish, ps, it has quite a kick,


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36 minutes ago, wimvb said:

Alcohol dissolves the oils that protect the skin, and will leave you with dry skin. Use a hand/skin moisturizing product after the alcohol.

Ah! the the Good Lady has plenty of those items 🙂.

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2 minutes ago, Frank the Troll said:

This will sort you out, you can keep it in the frezzer, it doesn't freeze, and comes out thickish, ps, it has quite a kick,


HehHeh!!  I'll hazard a guess that downing a bit of that, and you wouldn't worry about 
WWIII never mind the  C.virus. 😀  I'm sure the Nitro Billy had came in a Skull shape bottle.

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Plenty of hand/surface cleaner in the Tesco Express near where we work but they are hiding the bog rolls because of idiots.
All other stuff seems ok and allowed 5 items of anything so not to bad.

Still getting supplies we need at work, not had any warnings as yet and customers are still arriving, although work is a bit slow.
I buy regular from RS and it all arrives nextday plus some ebay stuff has arrived nice and early.


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6 minutes ago, Skyline said:

Our neighbour just phoned my wife and said people are fighting in our nearest Costco over toilet paper.

Toilet paper of all things...

Ah the non existant shortage of loo rolls. People will beleive anything they read on social media. 🙄

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7 minutes ago, dobblob said:

Now starting to see long queues at the wash basins in public toilets and a lack of paper in the stalls. Wonder why......

...and that is If you can find a public toilet that is open.

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On 12/03/2020 at 18:11, wimvb said:

Alcohol dissolves the oils that protect the skin, and will leave you with dry skin. Use a hand/skin moisturizing product after the alcohol.

I have doubts whether sanitizers would kill all viruses on your skin instantly on contact.  I suspect it takes a few minutes to have its full effect.  With that in mind, it might be worth waiting for a few minutes after using sanitizer before using hand cream.  

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