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Widefield Horsehead

harry page

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I remember seeing images of the horsehead nebula many years ago and thinking I need to be into this imaging game :)

and I have tried many times to get a decent image of the horsehead , but it is low in the orange gooo around here and have failed many times with various scopes

Now I have tried with my tak 106   ( f5 ) and a sx sxvr H35 and even though I am still short on data ( yes Never enough is there) I am  reasonbly happy with it

Did struggle with processing and this is my upteenth attempt and perhapes will come back to it next year

It consists of 270min lum and 270min RGB taken in 5 min subs

please see here for a high res version http://www.harrysastroshed.com/imagepages/nebulapages/horse.html

Thanks for looking





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8 hours ago, tooth_dr said:

Not half bad at all 👍🏻
Not a camera I’m familiar with, but after a quick google it’s a big sensor.  Is this just a single frame and not a mosaic?


Yes just a big chip - never get enough imaging time here in the uk for a mosaic


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10 hours ago, swag72 said:

Ooooooo.... that's absolutely lovely Harry 👍 I can see how this is an iconic image for so many.


Thanks Sara

BTW I saw Mr astro pixel at the uk astro fest and I promised to have a go - So I am listening to your vids

what goes around comes around :)



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10 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

That's lovely, Harry. Something of a change of style for you, too, as it seems to me. A softer processing which certainly suits this dusty, gassy region.


Oh dear am I going soft In my old age 🤪


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4 hours ago, MartinFransson said:

Now that is a lot of dust! Awesome capture! And I like how you handled the (very) bright stars.


I did manage to keep the brighness down - but have lost the colour to bright stars -- need to get some short subs for this -----Sometime 😬

Cheers for looking


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