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Galloway Autumn Star Camp 2020


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On 22/05/2020 at 18:51, Jiggy 67 said:

Meant as a joke btw... meaning “we’ll see you there then” read it again and it doesn’t read well oops.. sorry 😱

LOL - No problem. I took it as it was meant!

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Nothing better than a DOB. I must admit that. DOB,s are so versitile, take Damian's device as gravy is just so important to the smooth flow of pleasure at a star Camp. A DOB can do about anything you can think of, I know from long experience.
D. O. B rown😂


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6 hours ago, Pixies said:

LOL - No problem. I took it as it was meant!

Phew, that’s a relief. When no one commented I thought that people had misunderstood the tone/joke and when I read it back I could understand why! The dangers of text messages 

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9 minutes ago, Uplooker said:

I believe Kenny got the last slot. Let’s hope he turns up on the correct weekend 😇

So Kenny is pitching a tent to be safe due to Corona then. Bit of a change to the norm, but safer. We will all have to be on the alert. 🧐

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22 minutes ago, Physopto said:

So Kenny is pitching a tent to be safe due to Corona then. Bit of a change to the norm, but safer. We will all have to be on the alert. 🧐

Be alert, your country needs lerts

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13 hours ago, james123 said:

Hi derek. I'm booked and I'll be there clear or rain. I'll be taking the voddie incase its clouded over lol

Good to hear you will be there James. Be nice to see you.


Mmmmmmm !.     I suppose Vodka is possibly OK at a pinch, (distilled from Potatoes not Grain), but I expect the Galloway Star Party committee will have something to say on that matter. So far there is  only a "Special Dispensation has been for Irish whiskey"  you know! ( So far only for Ian ).1280px-Erskine_Nicol%2C_A_Nip_against_th

(A man pours some Whisky into a flask in this 1869 oil painting by Scottish artist Erskine Nicol.)


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1 hour ago, Adrian Condon said:

HI Derek,

Are you sure that's whiskey he is putting in the bottle ?

Trust things are ok in the far North East....





Hi Adrian,


Scottish artist, so I have to presume he was being honest. Maybe "Firewater" would have been a better name at that time in history.

Things are sort of OK. Still having problems with my knee so walking farther than a few feet is .................Painful!   Still, with the lockdown not a big deal really.

Mike is bored stiff as am I.  Trying to find easy jobs to fill in the time.



But on to far more interesting things. Only 4 months and 1 week to go to the Star Camp. I am still optimistic  that we can go ahead and have several dark nights and clear skies at the  star camp be it either either gazing or imaging.


I hope you are well and enjoying your lockdown 😂


I just am hoping that all those who have ignored the 2 metre rule in the past few days do not mess all our hard work up for the near future. I think in the last few months Annette and I have only been out for food once every two weeks. Had to cancel our dentists appointments and doctors visits. Just not worth the worry.


So visions of Dark Skies, red lights and Pie and Peas (after of course using the newly updated Dual Purpose Dobsonian Pie Measuring  Device with the newly commissioned and  working Viscosity Ad On device!! ). All followed by scoffing the lot with a good Single Malt.

Mind you the spectacle, (as in prevoius years), of Uplooker and Mapstar in a head to head once again in the race to the ultimate victory of the Pie Scoffing competition will be worth a laugh.

Pistols at 2 metres anyone ! 😱

Look after your self.


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1 hour ago, estwing said:

Had to phone and check I'd actually booked this as it's been a strange year...looking like the highlight of my astro year.

Yes you booked if I remember correctly. And I thought I was getting old 😂

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Interesting to see on the Stargazine broadcast which I watched on catchup today that Mars will be at Opposition on 13th October so will be really big and quite high for the star party. Be good for observing under dark skies 

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9 minutes ago, Jiggy 67 said:

Interesting to see on the Stargazine broadcast which I watched on catchup today that Mars will be at Opposition on 13th October so will be really big and quite high for the star party. Be good for observing under dark skies 

Ideal for any attendees who may want to  go a bit earlier.


Just one small point though. Please make sure if you want to attend earlier than the official start date, that you do check with Lesley the site owner that it is OK with her.



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Hi Everyone.

This is just a short update for all those attending the Scottish Star Party at Drumroamin this October.


I spoke to the site owner Lesley at some length today. 

To cut a long story short there basically is no real changes to what has been said already.

Lesley has been awaiting any new announcements from the Scottish Government as to when she will be able to open up the site to the general public.

At present Nicola Sturgeon has said that she is expecting hopefully to change the Scottish  stance on Covid precautions at some time within the next 10 days, ( this was as of yesterday).

At present Scotland is at Stage 1

So hopefully within the next 10 days or so this will change to Stage 2 with extra freedoms for the Scottish Population.

Lesley is hoping that Stage 3 will be introduced around 15th July if everything goes according to expectations, and herein lies the problem! EXPECTATIONS!!


The reason for this post is that one of our members has read posts on Facebook by Lesley. She has to look after her business and so is advertising the site as possibly open for business from the 15th July. This is so she can take advanced bookings for the general public, on the understanding that the Government do relax the restrictions as expected.


Please note:

None of this has any effect upon our Star Camp bookings as the site is fully booked ( 25 only ) for us only,

(no general public allowed during those dates).


So whatever you may read on Facebook about the site bookings, it has no bearing upon our Scottish Star Camp.

The only thing that will affect us is if restrictions are not relaxed!



On the other hand if all restrictions are even further relaxed the site may become open to more than the present 25 person limit.

Then those on the waiting list ( which is on a "First Come First Served" basis ), will be able to attend also up to the normal camp limits.

( I would at present, looking at what is happening guess that this last bit  is almost a none starter I'm afraid, still we can but hope!)


I will as I have already said,  keep you all updated as soon as more information comes my way.



My best wishes to all and KEEP SAFE!



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Hmmmmmm, I thought condensing a twenty/twenty-five minute talk as Lesley was just finishing her shopping, down to a few lines was pretty good going.

The  ice cream Lesley had just purchased had just about melted by the end of our discussion. 🤣


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