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Daystar Solar Scout Issues


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Hi all,

Still having problems getting anything out of my solar telescope:

I can seem to focus, but just get a featureless disc (see below). I know the sun is dormant right now but expected to see something more than this.

I have tried changing the power adapter (even using the original with a 110-220 converter) and changing the camera.

Am I expecting too much and this is just the bad seeing/haze? Is it my focus that needs to be better?

The image below is just a single frame, from firecapture, using a 290mm attached to the telescope.


PS. Additional points for telling me what the thumb screw is for next to the bullet finder... ;) 


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Additional info:

For the image, gain was 110, exposure 7ms

Ive also tried an eyepiece and can see a red disc, the edges sharp, but cant make out any features (my eyes arent too good so not sure )


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Which camera are you using?

I have the ASI 1600MM which I use for solar, FireCapture has the unity gain at 139, gamma 50 and set exposure to give a 90% full histogram.


Edit - Rereading...sounds like you were using an ASI 290MM???

The unity gain is correct at 110....just check the histogram.



Edited by Merlin66
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Thanks, I’ve tried both a 1600mm and a 290mm. Both at unity gain and both 8 or 16 bit, with the histogram 80-90% filled, no clipping.

Cant seem to get the focus any tighter, and spent yesterday going through each setting on the tuning knob, waiting for green, then trying focus again.

Question: how bad does seeing and transparency affect the image? Are there days when you can see just this? 

I’ve run out of things to try now, and am concerned I have a duff unit.

Edited by -Joe_
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4 minutes ago, andrew s said:

Can you try it visually? 

Regards Andrew 


I tried visually, could see a reasonable sharp red disc, no features. My eyes aren’t too good so not absolutely sure on the level detail I’d be able to see..

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  • 1 month later...
6 minutes ago, Miguel1983 said:

Have you tried moving the camera back and forth in the drawtube ? 

Could be a a backfocus problem...

I've moved it everywhere.  I started off super close, and moved it all the way out to 5 inches back.  no difference other than where the closest focus appears in the range of the focuser.  When moving the focus ring It goes from being way out of focus, to getting closer to the best being what that photo shows above, then continues to get worse, so to me, that doesn't seem like a back focus issue because the focuser travel is able to go past the best focus

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The OPs picture looks over exposed and out of focus, which camera are you using, can you post a picture ?


This is a  live video frame using the Daystar Solar Scout, as you can see it's very easy to miss the focus point especially if manually focusing and shaking the scope around, just a smidgen either side of focus and it's gone.



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17 hours ago, Davey-T said:

The OPs picture looks over exposed and out of focus, which camera are you using, can you post a picture ?


This is a  live video frame using the Daystar Solar Scout, as you can see it's very easy to miss the focus point especially if manually focusing and shaking the scope around, just a smidgen either side of focus and it's gone.



I've tried everything.  I've tried my qhy5iii in the eyepiece holder which allows for greater movement forward and backward, no difference.  I've tried my asi 1600mm through a threaded connection, no difference.  These are as good of focus as i'm able to get which makes me think i've hit the limits of the little scope, which is ok, i just want detail in the surface like yours.  I've adjusted the tuning knob 2 clicks a a time full range left and right.  literally at a loss, no idea.  I'll call them again, i feel bad i've been calling alot.  Their solution was for me to insert a diagonal and eyepiece and see if i can achieve focus, and i did but i think it's just a wider view than the level of focus i'm getting in my images here

full disc asi1600mm.jpg

through diagonal 2 clicks to left.jpg

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Slight atmospheric haziness can quickly hide surface detail and also make focusing more difficult.  Your latest images display obvious Newton rings, a feature of some cameras, this can be mitigated by tilting the camera.  Camera tilting adaptors are available.     🙂l

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That looks pretty close to focus, it may just be faulty, I've had a Quark, essentially the same innards, that didn't tune and just displayed an image similar to yous, what we need is a decent sunspot which would show up in your image similar to a white light image, if that didn't alter when tuning it would prove it's faulty.

Whereabouts are you ? there may be someone close that can help.


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32 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Whereabouts are you ? there may be someone close that can help.

Yea i'm about an hours drive away from their shop in Missouri so i may call them up again and see if i can come by, they said they don't do that normally though as they're only setup for online only.

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38 minutes ago, Dflyboy said:

Yea i'm about an hours drive away from their shop in Missouri so i may call them up again and see if i can come by, they said they don't do that normally though as they're only setup for online only.

That's good, I've had to post mine back to them from the UK :grin:


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  • 5 months later...

Ok all, Great news, problem solved.  I got the Astronomik L1 UV/IR cut filter for it, and it cleaned everything right up.  Tried it both in the solar scout with the L1 filter in front of the camera, and also took the quark off and put it on my big scope, the stellarvue sva130t with the L1 filter in front of the quark, and both worked great.

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9 hours ago, Dflyboy said:

Ok all, Great news, problem solved.  I got the Astronomik L1 UV/IR cut filter for it, and it cleaned everything right up.  Tried it both in the solar scout with the L1 filter in front of the camera, and also took the quark off and put it on my big scope, the stellarvue sva130t with the L1 filter in front of the quark, and both worked great.

Thanks for that info - I've just ordered one and we'll see if I get  anywhere.

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  • 3 weeks later...
12 hours ago, -Joe_ said:

Thanks, @Dflyboy,

Today I got chance to fit the filter and it made night and day difference. This was with my ASI1600mm, not a great image but a start:

Hi . Im thinking about either getting a Daystar solar scoutor a lunt 50. Do you think the Scout is a good choise and also what size filter did you use? The image looks great to me.

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2 hours ago, simmo39 said:

Hi . Im thinking about either getting a Daystar solar scoutor a lunt 50. Do you think the Scout is a good choise and also what size filter did you use? The image looks great to me.

I have limited experience, but the scout seems good now I have the correct filter. The only thing I'm not too sure is the focus mechanism - which done by twisting the tube. I used a 1.25" filter next to the camera


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