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Getting back into imaging after a long break


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One thing to add to the above list as I go on to longer focal lengths and exposures will be guiding.  Done it before but I was using Windows apps then now it's Linux with RPi KStars/Ekos/INDI (server and drivers).  Don't expect too much trouble, just need to sort things out.

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4 hours ago, Gina said:

Be very helpful if I could finish my ROR automation and reduce mud and ice hazard of going out to observatory.

Put a priority on that, Gina. A week ago I went out to my obsy (not operational yet) to do some work on the wiring and slipped on a muddy patch. Broke my knee cap on a stone I never removed during construction. Now I'm waiting for surgery.

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Oh dear Wim that sounds painful and very annoying!!  Hope you get fixed up soon and back in business with your observatory.

I've been working on the electronics for the ROR this afternoon in fact.

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4 hours ago, Gina said:

That looks straightforward enough 😀 but I'll probably try the Ekos guider first.  Do you have experience of both/either?

What flavour of Linux are you using?  I have PHD2 on Ubuntu 16.04(??) and I didn't have to compile it. 

I like PHD2 because it just works.  I did a calibration last May, and I haven't touched it since.


If you have Ubuntu, then the instructions are here :- https://launchpad.net/~pch/+archive/ubuntu/phd2


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3 minutes ago, Gina said:

Ubuntu Mate 16.04 as I recall on the RPi and Linux Mint 18 on my desktop where I run KStars/Ekos.

In that case you should be fine on both.  The only hassle is adding the PHD repository as a "trusted" source in /etc/apt...

The instructions are on the link that I gave above.

If you have done this before, then you shouldn't have any problem.

Once you have the "apt" security sorted, then it is a simple "sudo apt get" jobby.



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The native Ekos guider works fine enough, it's based on Lin_guider which is more Push-Here-Dummy than PHD. But PHD has more functionality and allows for more guide analysis than Ekos. I've used Ekos, Lin_guider and PHD, but prefer the latter. They all work on RPi.

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2 hours ago, wimvb said:

native Ekos guider

Hi. The main limitation of the EKOS guider -for me anyway- is that you need to re-calibrate for each target and after a meridian flip. With INDI providing positional and side of pier information on most mounts, it seemed a pity not to take advantage thereof. 

The other advantage of PHD2 is its choice of guiding algorithms over which fine control can be taken.

Finally, PHD2 has IMHO, the best support available of any software, ever:)

Cheers and clear skies.


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