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The Orion Nebula - Cloud dodging for dust


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To my frustration I watched the cloud come in during the imaging of my first object tonight, the dark nebula Barnard168. But with a bit of cloud dodging I did manage to acquire my secondary target, The Orion Nebula and the Running Man Nebula. I particularly wanted to concentrate on the dust area so no major attempt was made to maintain the core. 10X 400 second subs. plus 10 x 100 second subs. I am certainly pleased with the field of view of the CCD.


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Wow Steve thats awesome .. It has given me some idfeas though ....

Some long subs on M42 area tonight I think to try and prode an EHDR image :)

I must admit I have gone for he dust on the Flame HHN shot overnight (24x300) at iso 1600 with the flame and HNN towardsthe top of the frame.. and I am about to find out if i got it...


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Nice that you caught some of the dim emission nebula in the periphery of the shot. With a lot of subs, the dim extended area around M42 is stunning. As I was packing up (in disgust) last nigh following many problems, I was thinking of your desire to image M42 as I watched the clouds start rolling in.


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Very nice colour and detail in the dust there, what was the imaging setup?


This image was taken with my Skywatcher ED80 Refractor, William optics 0.8 focal reducer and SXVF-M25C CCD. The image has been cropped to 81% of full size and then reduced in size for the Internet.

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Still trying to learn but was this guided as well. If so which set up.

Hi Mick, yes this was autoguided using a second 80mm telescope with a focal length of 400mm and a Starlight Xpress SXV autoguider.

I like the lack of treatment ot the core since it makes for a softer more natural image

Martin, its funny how easy it is to get hooked on getting the Trapezium to show as well as the nebulosity but this time I thought I do things a bit differently as that dust is amazing stuff!

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