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M33 in RGB **added Ha**

peter shah

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What a fabulous night it was last night (Saturday 6th Oct) Everything worked flawlessly with no issues except for one green channel getting trashed from high cloud, that passed pretty quickly and I was able to continue. This  shot is a simple RGB image, I do have plans to get some more data including Luminance and Ha to enhance the H2 regions. Im quite please with the core detail.

Exposure time 7x 900s in Red, 7x640s in Green and 860s in Blue. Taken with my AG12 and H35 camera

Click to view full res image


Peter Shah





Managed to get 4hours of Ha 900s subs....click for full res version

RGB and H-alpha


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1 hour ago, harry page said:

Hi Peter

Lovely data and great colour stars  ( I would expect nothing less :) )

Dare I say slightly too pink for me ?, but there are many version of M33  



Of course Harry I welcome any critique, especially from a well seasoned and respected imager such as yourself, its how we improve, 

You could be right. As you know colour balance does and can vary  from one rendition to the next. I do try to minimise errors and my G2V exposure ratios goes a long way to help when processing. I did do some work on the H2 regions to help make them pop. I was quite careful not to introduce a colour cast only working on those areas of interest. I think when I collect some Ha data it might help define the areas and sort out that mid range magenta. 

very grateful for the feed back ?

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1 hour ago, groberts said:

Very nice Peter, all the more so without luminance it has great detail and contrast + of course, lovely colour. 

To complete the picture (no pun intended), what did you use for processing?



Thank you Graham, Stacked and calibrated in Deep Sky Stacker and all the processing done with Photoshop CS5

1 hour ago, AstroAndy said:


Thank you Andy

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5 hours ago, Shibby said:

Don't tend to see many RGB images! This is really nice, the colours so rich. Look forward to seeing the final results, though it's already looking great.

Thank you Lewis, I love RGB but you are right it's less popular, To be honest this one is only RGB because that's all I managed to get in one night ?. My intention is to add to it, it has given me something I can build on.

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First class, lovely vibrant colours and crisp detail, great processing job!

It was indeed a great night on Saturday, I attempted a mosaic of M31, captured 4 hrs of data (a lot for me in one go), currently wrestling with them in APP....

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12 hours ago, tomato said:

First class, lovely vibrant colours and crisp detail, great processing job!

It was indeed a great night on Saturday, I attempted a mosaic of M31, captured 4 hrs of data (a lot for me in one go), currently wrestling with them in APP....

Thank you.... 4hrs is a lot for me too, even better to get 4hrs of clear skies with no moon to spoil things, that seems to be a rare thing ?

12 hours ago, Rodd said:

I find M33 to have allot o blue--which you have captured very well indeed.


It did seem to have quite a lot of blue in the outer arms Rodd

12 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:

Great colours in the galaxy.

Thank you Neil

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5 hours ago, Xiga said:

Absolutely stunning. The colour is drop-dead gorgeous.

M33 was the first proper DSO image I ever did, so to see it like this is a joy.

Its one of my favorite objects and was quite a challenge the first time i imaged it... I just love the H2 regions in the object 

3 hours ago, astro mick said:

Glad you got a great night in Peter.Beautiful end result too.


Thank you Mick....its looking clear tonight too ? I'm going to see if I can grab some Luminance data for it tonight.

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1 hour ago, peter shah said:

Its one of my favorite objects and was quite a challenge the first time i imaged it... I just love the H2 regions in the object 

Thank you Mick....its looking clear tonight too ? I'm going to see if I can grab some Luminance data for it tonight.

Yep i,ll be out there.


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