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SGL Imaging Challenge #2 - Jupiter

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The theme for the second Challenge - April 2017 - is Jupiter!

Start Date: 1st April 2017
End Date: 30th June 2017

Any image that fits the theme ‘Jupiter’ will be accepted. We are not looking for anything specific. It might be an artistic single frame, a ‘lucky shot’ or a highly planned, multi-night epic! The winning image will be whichever one the judges like best!

Prize: A ZWO Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector (ADC) which significantly reduces the prismatic smearing (atmospheric dispersion) caused by light passing through moisture in our atmosphere, a common problem encountered when observing/imaging planets at low altitudes. Kindly provided by our sponsors FLO :) and a virtual trophy for your signature.



All data must be captured and processed by you (no collaborative entries). 
Data must be captured during the challenge start & end dates. 
Multiple entries are allowed but please start a new topic for each entry. 
Multiple submissions of the same image, processed differently, will not be accepted.


We are a little late launching this but will accept images you may have already taken of Jupiter since 1st April.

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1 hour ago, Mattwaters said:

Sounds good,

Pure Armature shot, I have a camera mount and took this with my Samsung Galaxy S6 Phone, I can't Afford a DLSR yet lol Will try to capture another with a light filter to see what happens!


20170324_232839 (2).jpg

Please start a new topic in this forum area for each entry :)

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44 minutes ago, Richard Hather said:

Can you post a sketch or does it have to be a photographic image?

I have a sketch from last night that I'm relatively happy with.


Sketches are welcomed too :thumbright:


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  • 4 weeks later...

well im new to everything but heres a attempt from me, totally amature and still learning and experimenting . this was taken april 28th with my Samsung note 5 mounted on a etx60, hopefully the next attempt will have some detail...

20170428_221151 (1).jpg

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  • 3 weeks later...

My second time imaging... Just used a webcam with a Barlow and a small reflector... Nothing special... This image was taken on the 25th May 2017.


Edited by EWHB
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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, BRADLEY 1953 said:



JUPITER     PENCIL SKETCH    MAY 10th   22.00 hrs     155mm f9 APO  x 112  x 175  x279     seeing very good  2     star diagonal   C.G. Bradley.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is one of my first images of Jupiter, and an overall first attempt at astrophotograhy.  I believe that is Io's shadow being cast in the northern hemisphere of the planet (up is south and down is north).  I used the following equipment to create my image:

Celestron Edge HD 11" SCT

Baader Click-Lock Star Diagonal & Visual Back

Canon T5i DSLR (Gary Honis Full-Spectrum Modification)

Best of 700 images - Stacked in Registax / Wavelet Filter Applied


My image was taken on June 10, 2017  If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.  I am eager to improve my skills, in this exciting and rewarding hobby! 


Thank you in advance.




6_10_2017 Jupiter x5 Filter_Tv120s_800iso.png

Edited by Larry V
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This image was captured using my TMB 6" apo with an APM 2.7x barlow.  Altair Astro IMX174 HyperCam and Baader LRGB filters. About 2500 frames captured withh FireCapture and then sharpened with Registax and PS. 

Perhaps a little oversharpened but the presence of the emerging (and flattened) red spot enhances the impression of 3D.  Also two satellites present, Io to the left and possibly Europa to lower right.  

Jupiter 23rd April 2017.jpg

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If you want to enter the challenge - please start a new thread (for each image you want to enter) in this section. DO NOT reply to this post with an image. 

Any images that are in this thread won't even get looked at during the judging period. 


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