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Argh - A Direct Hit!


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Phew ! That's ok then, what a relief !!

The last time I saw a topic title like that it was no laughing matter, the poor fella had received a direct deposit straight down the tube from a creature overhead. Some time back, an overseas member, I think not a bird, fruit bat or similar was it ?

Made a right mess of his mirror :(


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When I image south facing, I am continually getting planes in the subs as my south face is on the Alicante airport 'corridor'..... damn those tourists coming for the rain and snow :D Don't throw that first one away Gav, it will stack out.

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I've just watched the all sky cam timelapse of the night and the number of airplanes is just ridiculous! Funny how you don't really notice or think about it until you have a long lens pointing at the flight corridor...

Sara - I like your optimism about the first one stacking out, but I have found in the past that such bright trails from aircraft still leave a trace with Nebulosity. It copes much better at getting rid of satellite trails, but an aircraft is just too much for it.

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Ah yes, I had the same problem last night, out of nine 15 minute subs

4 had been hit.

I don't suppose living 12 miles form the UK'S fourth busiest airport, ( Stansted )

and being on a major route from the planes that take off from Heathrow,

has anything to do with it. :).

what we need is for some clever person to make a program that rejects bright straight lines

solid or intermittent on a single sub.

at this rate I would have to take 50, 15 minutes subs so sigma can reject them, which equates to

about 3 months imaging time.

I love this hobby.  

aim fire.png

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Couldn't help but be intrigued by this;


Screenshot 2017-01-21 12.29.00.png


What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


Back on topic, I usually get a couple of aircraft through my subs a night, and PI clipping rejects them really well, but I certainly don't get as many as that!


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2 minutes ago, johnrt said:

What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

A very good question... The answer to which is approximately 11 m/s or 24 mph.

At least they don't leave light trails in subs, though the kind of direct hit that @SilverAstro mentions earlier might become an issue!!!

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5 minutes ago, SilverAstro said:

I'd try wing clipping first


Perhaps I'd better explain that a bit :) backyard poultry keepers clip the flight feathers (painless, like cutting your hair) of one wing of their birds when allowing them free range, to stop them taking to the air and heading off into the sunset !

But apart from the jokes I do feel your pain.

This may be quite mad - but I wonder :--

There is a website ( and prob an app for one of these newfangled thingies) called something like FlightRadar, you can track loadsa aircraft especially those near you, time someone made an app for when one is about to coincide with your gps it can suspend exposure ??


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The more I think ! , , ,

The height info. is also available, so it would not be beyond the wit of a mathmatician to triangulate in 3d, define a field of view, compare and if a coincidence is detected ,

, shoot !

, I mean : terminate, , , the shot  :D

Could be a problem having lots of different length subs though ?

In the olden days we would have rotated a shutter in front of the camera, but that is getting a bit HeathRobinson now :(

Ok, I'll go sit in a darkened room for a while > > >


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SilverAstro, you are a genius! I love your idea. The thing is that the intrusion across my field of view is probably of only a few seconds duration, which would make next to no difference to my 1800s sub if blacked out. I reckon this could be a suitable project for Steve Richards, aka @steppenwolf - lets see if he rises to the bait!?!

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Trust me, that will be a piece of cake. One of our three full frame cameras is rather venerable and has a set of adjacent dead columns. You can fix anything, though...

Not all Sigma routines are equal. The one in AstroArt 4 was absolutely transformed in Version 5. AA5 also has a 'repair line' feature which is stunningly effective. You mark each end of the line and it's gone, baby gone! On a sub like yours I'd use it on the lines before putting the sub into the stack. It will give the Sigma routine less to do.

One of our imaging friends is an airline Captain. I wonder if his ears are burning???



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