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Argh - A Direct Hit!


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It sounds as though I need to find a better stacking program. I currently use Nebulosity4. So, which is the best software for stacking? Ideally it would be for Mac as that is what I use for processing, but I can run PC stuff on my obsy windows laptop if necessary.

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I'm thinking that the exposure isn't suspended, just a flip flat panel or equivalent is closed over the end of the tube just before the aircraft strike is about to occur and then opened after it has passed. So the exposure continues and just misses a few seconds while the aircraft passes. Probably totally impractical, but quite a fun idea!

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16 minutes ago, PhotoGav said:

just a flip flat panel or equivalent is closed over the end of the tube just before

Yes indeed, that was the intent of my "olden days we would have rotated a shutter" remark. We did it in the days of sputnik etc tracking/timing with a toothed shutter wheel, the problem is vibration ! it would maybe  require a second mount for the shutter mechanism ?

A CCD man will be along soon to tell us if a CCD can be electronically de-sensed for the duration ??


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Easy peasy although I wouldn't use a 'flap' for this, I rather prefer a 'swipe'. Simple to achieve if the suggested app can generate a switched output.

MaxIm DL's SD Mask is brilliant at getting rid of fly-bys like this but if you really stretch the stack they are still just discernible. A pre-processing feature for just that frame would really help get rid of the trail entirely in the final stacked image.

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21 hours ago, steppenwolf said:

 if the suggested app can generate a switched output.

Thanks, I'm ok with the mechanics of a shutter, it's the app/software for the FlightRadar that we needed help with ! :) ( found it :-  https://www.flightradar24.com/51.51,-0.1/7  )

Oh and can a CCD/CMOS sensor be electronically 'suspended' / 'desensed' and then continue with its exposure ?

As you say, post process would be easier but aesthetically less appealing ? :angel9:

now assigned to the Gedanken heap :(

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