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Testing a simple Acro on the Moon


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It had been more than one month acquired Explore Scientific 127mm achromatic without having the opportunity to test it. I bought it in order to use exclusively for solar photography coming but the opportunity to test it with the moon did not miss the chance.
Although seeing was not the best and the wind messed up a little, the small opening that allows tele photos when it is impossible to use the C14 because of high turbulence.
Of course it has its chromaticism, yet is greatly reduced and a Booster Contrast filter Baader makes it almost imperceptible.
I can not say that his optica is superior to Sky-Watcher 120mm acro I own but the mechanical part is certainly higher. The differential is a focuser account Crayford 10: 1 which greatly facilitates precise focus to photography.
In short he did not disappoint me, however, exceeded expectations and soon should I post pictures to close I made using a barlow 3X Tele Vue.
I googled and did not find lunar photos of good quality with this tele nor with other acros 120 / 127mm with only APO same opening.
I hope that this work anime staff to give more value to these telescopes low cost and excellent performance.
Avani Soares

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Hello Chris!
AIR 127mm of Explore Scientif is f / 6.5. A little short for an achromatic still has little CA, I can say that the CA is equivalent to my Sky-Watcher 120mm f / 8.3 which shows that the staff of ES caprichou in the manufacture of optics.
Using a Booster Contrast filter in Jupiter CA virtually disappeared!
See link: http://rohr.aiax.de/P106-Filter-Synta.JPG

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Thumbs up for the achromat. In the right hands it can take imaging to a new level. The beauty of this image reflects the quality of the optics and the skills of the photographer.



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Still testing AIR 127mm f / 6.5 Explore Scientific now using a Tele Vue 3X Barlow and increasing the focal length for f/2550mm.
Many details visible in good setting that just was not better because of the median seeing (3/5) and very strong wind.
This telescope keeps surprising me, so I'm thinking of selling the C8 to raise money and buy a Daystar protuberance. It should give perfectly to make light of the Lunar and even some planetary currently do with my C8 in field trips.


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3 hours ago, astroavani said:

Hello Chris!
AIR 127mm of Explore Scientif is f / 6.5. A little short for an achromatic still has little CA, I can say that the CA is equivalent to my Sky-Watcher 120mm f / 8.3 which shows that the staff of ES caprichou in the manufacture of optics.
Using a Booster Contrast filter in Jupiter CA virtually disappeared!
See link: http://rohr.aiax.de/P106-Filter-Synta.JPG

Quite remarkable then - I;ve seen more CA on my Vixen f/11 90mm...


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Now exaggerating at all limits!
Piling a PM with a 2X Tele Vue 3X Barlow and increasing the focal length of the system for incredible 5.100mm, this distance greater than my own C14 HD.
As was to be expected notes a significant deterioration in the picture, also could, we are working with a greater than 10X the aperture of the lens in millimeters.
Yet he did not disappoint me and I believe in the sun with filters and a suitable processing it will have an enviable behavior.


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Still playing with the AR 127!
I can only acknowledge that I am very happy to have bought this telescope, the optical quality exceeded all my expectations.
Another photo shows the potential that small instruments have the lunar photography.
Here I leave the invitation for you to have modest achromatic between this joke.
Avani Soares.

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17 hours ago, Ruud said:


Thumbs up for the achromat. In the right hands it can take imaging to a new level.


+1. Refractors have come a long way since the f15-or-bust days; really underrated for ap. And they don't produce hideous spikes on stars... runs for cover!

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I wonder if there'd be any interest in an achro only imaging thread, along the lines of the no eq dso challenge  or 130 pds threads. I'm sure there's a lot of us using achromatic refractors for imaging but nowhere specific to share tips and ideas. Dunno...

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On November 8, 2016 at 07:09, alacant said:

I wonder if there'd be any interest in an achro only imaging thread, along the lines of the no eq dso challenge  or 130 pds threads. I'm sure there's a lot of us using achromatic refractors for imaging but nowhere specific to share tips and ideas. Dunno...

Good idea Alacant,  I could certainly use some imaging advice, and it would be good to see what apo, fringe killer etc type filters work for various achro applications.

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Hello Alacant and Dave Lloyd,  I have another achromatic refrator, a SKY Watcher 120mm in f / 8.3. I do not do DSOs but I loaned it to my friend Rafael Compassi who did several shots with very good results that can be seen here: https: //www.flickr.com/photos/136644136@N04/
I'll ask him to take a look at the topic and leave a comment.

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